I feel okay when I see you smile

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Soobin closed the door behind him, and just waited for his mom to either yell at him or beat the shit out of him. He tried to prepare himself mentally. But nothing, it was silent, as if nobody was home, so he slowly started walking through the apartment. He peeked inside the living room, no one there. He continued his way to his own room when he saw that his door was already wide open. He gulped, but made his way inside it anyway, and what he saw made him freeze on the spot. All of his things were thrown through the room, ripped and destroyed, as if someone broke in. Soobin slowly walked through his room, it was a field of pure destruction. The floor was littered with pages from his comic collection, his computer completely smashed laying on the ground, he couldn't believe his eyes and his gut told him that someone did this on purpose.

„How dare you to just casually walk into my house?" His mother hissed from behind him.

Soobin shrugged, and turned around facing his mother. He blinked a few times, still shocked about this whole situation. „I- I live here too..?" Soobin questioned, as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

„You don't, you never did, you're just a rat which I unfortunately needed to raise." She threw in, as she took a step further to Soobin.

He was speechless. What made him even think that it would be a good idea to come back? He seriously thought that she might have missed him, and now he just got pulled back to reality.

„I actually thought that you've finally killed yourself, you disappointed me again." She laughed out loud. „That's the only thing you're good at, you know that right?" She added, followed by another laugh.

Soobin swallowed hard, his gaze dropped and his heart shattered once again. „I'm sorry, you will never see me again." Is everything Soobin said before he tried to pass his mother, just wanting to leave. But before he was able to, his mother harshly grabbed his arm, pulling him closer just to push him away, causing Soobin to stumble over his own feet, falling to the ground. His mother laughed at him, and he was fighting his tears now. He pushed himself up in an instant and just started running like he never did before. He reached the front door and was about to open it, but it was locked. Shit, he cursed in his mind, he was genuinely scared now. He started panicking, pulling and shaking the door handle like he went mad, but it didn't help.

„You think you can just leave like this?" His mother mischievous smiled as she approached him. „How dare you to treat your mother like that." Her voice filled with pure madness and spite.

And the next thing he felt was a harsh thud on the back of his head, everything around him started to spin, and he went dizzy, trying to hold onto the door for support. But the next thud followed, and he blacked out, falling to the ground. He didn't know how much time had passed when he regained consciousness. All he knew was that everything hurted like hell, it was hard to move and he couldn't even push himself up. He looked up, blinked a few times to clear his vision and saw his mother standing in front of him, and she laughed again.

„Please, let me go." Soobin literally begged, as he continually tried to push himself up, but without any success. And the next punch followed, this time right into his face. Blood started spilling out of his nose, but it didn't bother his mom to stop, she punched him again, and again, and again.

His shirt was covered in blood splashes, looking as if he murdered someone, and he began to lose all hope of getting out of this situation alive. His mother pulled him up with all of her strength, just to smash him against the wall next to the door. His head hit the wall hard, causing to leave a mark on it, and he sank down again. Soobin started seeing stars, and a beeping sound rang through his head. He started coughing, as he was choking on his own blood, but all he got as a response from his mother was another punch in the face. He closed his eyes shut, hoping that it will be over soon, he already accepted the fact of dying here and there. And that's when he suddenly heard his mother yelping, he used his last strength to look up, and saw how his brother pulled his mother away from him. She was in total rage, punching around herself like a wild animal, but her brother kept her in place.

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