chapter eight and a half

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good morning yall!

i just wanted to make a couple announcements about this book i feel like people don't read the announcements on my page so that's why i made it a chapter lol.

first of all, i do want to apologize for going MIA on yall, BUT to be fair i did say i was on a break!

i am a college student and i truly do not have time to write or come up w ideas for my book, i'm sorry to disappoint y'all.

on top of the fact that i kind of momentarily lost inspiration, it's just been bad all around. however, i am on my winter break right now so i have a little bit of time to sit down and figure out wtf i wanna write!

with that being said, yall should be able to expect 2-3 new chapters of this book by the end of next week (maybe 1-2).

yall have GOT to be patient, i BEG! i write because i enjoy it, if i do not enjoy what i'm writing then what's the point? i don't like feeling rushed and i don't like disappointing people, what a combo!

but i do promise that i will have a couple chapters of this book up, i'll try my best.

now for announcement 2!

another reason i've been struggling to write is because i feel like im forced to match the storyline of adf....please keep in mind i wrote that book 2 years ago while i was still in high school!

i was a teenager in high school and now i am an adult, my writing style is different and i want different things to happen. i wrote an entire book when i had never had a boyfriend, or even had my first kiss! i feel like the book is a little childish but that's a convo for another day.

so from now on forget anything that happened between aaliyah and mateo in adf!!!

it's way too hard to try and make everything match up and that's really one of the main reasons i haven't updated because i didn't want to have to write things that have already happened in adf.

so be prepared, i really do not think i will be writing about their trip to bahamas. it messes up the storyline i have planned for this book and i want different things to happen for everyone.

with that being said, you all can expect a new chapter by the end of today. i hope yall are still tuned in! and no i'm not lying lol i already have a good chunk of the next chapter typed out.

if you read this announcement, thank you! if you skimmed, you should probably go back up and read because this info is very important.

happy reading! - ms. author girl

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