Chapter 11: Queen Dahlia.

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Exactly a week after the King's death; as was Maelstrom culture, he was buried: his mother, widow and some others stood in the crypt as a man stood in front of his tomb. Lady Dahlia sat on the ground in tears as she wailed in pain,
“May his majesty, King Artemas The Great, rest peacefully in the warm arms of the god of the sea, and the god of the trees.” The man said as he poured water and dried leaves on the tomb. Myranda stood with Ada and Arne at her side, she looked at Dahlia and could not help but feel that she was in the wrong, she could feel her stomach churning and suddenly walked out of the crypt; the two followed her. Myranda had walked some distance, but Arne held her back by the sleeve of her dress,
“Where are you going, your grace?” He asked still holding on to her, she yanked her arm away from him,
“The King is dead, there is no need for you to address me in that manner anymore.” She said as she looked at him with disgust in her eyes, Ada walked over to her,
“What is wrong, Myranda?” She asked in a soft tone,
“What is wrong? What is wrong is the King is dead, poisoned! I killed him - I cannot stand with an  innocent face after what I did.” She said with fear in her voice,
“sister please, it was a necessary evil, the kingdom will be in safer hands with him gone.” Ada said trying to comfort her,
“but will it? Artemas was the only legitimate claimant to the throne, with his death the only other person left is Dahlia, what makes you think her son's character was not a result of her poor decisions?” Myranda replied,
“my lady, the gods would not allow evil to befall this kingdom just after another had been destroyed.” Arne said holding her shoulder, she looked up at him,
“regardless…I have no place here in Maelstrom, and soon enough people will start to question what happened that night, the truth cannot be hidden forever.” She said as she looked at him,
“We will deal with that issue when it arises, but for now it is important that you solidify your place here in Maelstrom, you are a necessary part of this land's future prosperity.” Arne said to her, she sighed,
“alright then, I will do my best to maintain my composure and keep what little claim I have to this land.” She said to them,
“you must sister, and like we said once before, we will be here for you, you have the full support of House Barrach.” Ada said as she held Myranda's hands,
“the same goes for House Ordan.” He said to Myranda, she smiled at them both.
Myranda was walking down an empty hallway which led to her chambers, but as she walked, Raziah approached with tears in her eyes,
“What is the matter, lady Raziah?” Myranda asked as she stopped her,
“your grace…I apologize, I didn't mean to bump into you.” She said sniffling,
“forget all that, what is the matter? Your eyes are red as blood.” She asked as she guided her to sit on a stone seat in the pathway. They both sat,
“I apologize your grace, I hoped no one would have the displeasure of seeing me like this.” She said as tears trickled down her cheeks, Myranda pulled out a cloth from her pocket and gave it to her, she proceeded to clean her eyes and cheeks,
“your heart aches for the King does it not?” Myranda asked as she looked at her with a firm stare,
“The hearts of almost everyone in Maelstrom aches, my queen, he was the king after all. Many do not know this but we have known each other for quite some time, since we were but babies.” She said, Myranda's expression suddenly changed to one of hate, but she maintained her calm,
“I can understand your pain dear lady, the pain of losing a friend, one who you have had since infancy, it is a truly terrible thing.” Myranda said as she looked away to hide her annoyance,
“in a way I envy you your grace.” Raziah said as she began to calm down, Myranda turned to look at her,
“Of course there would be many reasons to envy the King's widow, but why?” She asked in curiosity,
“You are so very strong, you were his majesty's Queen but you have refrained from shedding any tears or letting anyone see your tears.” She replied, Myranda smiled at her,
“one might even say her lack of tears could suggest something else.” Dahlia said as she approached them,
“Lady Dahlia, I was just leaving for my chambers.” Raziah said as she rose to her feet, she made her way past Dahlia; Myranda also rose to her feet and faced her,
“what are you insinuating mother?” Myranda asked with her arms behind her back,
“I do not know the truth, but something tells me you are holding back much more than you say you know about my son's death, and if I find out that you were in some way involved, I will show you no mercy.” Dahlia said as she looked at her with disdain,
“Be careful with your words my lady, no matter who you are it may be considered treason to accuse the King's widow and former Queen of such, an offense which is punishable by death in every kingdom.” Myranda said as she moved closer to her, Dahlia stepped back,
“if you are threatening and speaking to me in such a way, then you must not have heard; the high council had a meeting earlier today, a meeting at which they concurred that it is only logical, myself being the only surviving member of House Scotts assume the position of Queen, I am to be coronated at dawn tomorrow, and believe me when I say this: as Queen I will have no use for the likes of you here in Maelstrom, so I advise you prepare yourself.” Dahlia said as she whispered the last parts in her ear, she walked down the hall and Myranda was left there standing alone. She bowed her head as if she were praying then continued to walk.
Dawn the next day in the Hall of the Great Kings, almost everyone in Maelstrom was present there, Dahlia sat on the ground in front of the throne as a man held a crown in front of her. Myranda, Arne and other knights stood beside them,
“Here today, before gods and men, we witness the ascension of another great ruler who will serve this land well, Dahlia of House Scotts, first of her name, messenger of the gods will, and servant to the people, Queen of Maelstrom.” The man said as he placed the crown on her head. The people clapped and cheered, when suddenly, a man bursts through the doors holding a bottle in his hands: the guards immediately pointed their swords at him,
“Please, I beg of you, I carry important information for the Queen.” The man said, the attention in the hall shifted to Dahlia,
“let him through.” She said, the men dropped their swords and the man made his way to the Queen, he was stopped by Arne,
“Whatever you have to say to her grace, say it here.” Arne said stopping him from moving any further,
“yes my lord, your grace, I was doing me cleaning as I always do in the castle rooms, I was cleaning out the drawers and wardrobes of any filth, but then I fell on my face-” She interrupted him,
“get to the point please.” She said in a voice of irritation,
“of course your grace; I found this in an old chest under the bed of the room…your grace.” He said showing her the small bottle of liquid, Arne took it from his hands,
“What do you make of this lord Aron?” He asked, passing the bottle to lord Aron. He opened the bottle with ease and put his finger in, when he pulled it out there was a sticky transparent liquid on his finger, he smelt it and his eyes widened,
“by the gods, I found traces of this same liquid on his grace’s lips, this is poison.” He said, the hall soon filled with murmurs and gasps,
“what did you just say lord Aron?” Dahlia asked with eyes full of hate and anger, Arne turned to face the man,
“you, who is currently occupying the room where you found this?” Arne asked him,
“one of the people who arrived in the palace about a week ago my lord, I believe it’s the young lady…Raziah.” He said, everyone's attention shifted to Raziah,
“guards, seize that woman immediately!” Dahlia ordered, the guards rushed over the Raziah and held her bound,
“Your grace please, this is a mistake, I would never do such a thing to the King, you must believe me.” Raziah screamed and begged, no one answered and the guards began dragging her away,
“your grace please! I did not do this! Please! Please your grace, I was in love with him!” She said still screaming, the people gasped and the Queen walked down from the throne to meet her. Myranda and some other guards followed,
“you were in love…with my son? You mean to tell me you entered MY house and seduced my son?! Is that why you killed him? Because he did not want to take you as his wife?!” Dahlia asked in shouts,
“you…bedded my husband? Why did you do this?” Myranda asked with fake sympathy,
“no…you do not understand, I did not kill the King, on the night of his death we had made plans to meet and-” Before she could continue speaking Dahlia struck her on the face,
“You speak as if you are some common whore instead of the lady you are, take her to the dungeons, I will pronounce my judgment by tomorrow.” She said as she walked past and the men dragged Raziah away.

Royal Blood: Wyverns DenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora