Chapter 8: Myranda.

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Alaric and his men rode back to the castle, but something entirely different was going on there. Princess Myranda was finally returning to her home in the kingdom of Maelstrom, to be at the side of her husband, the King,
“It is a shame to see you go dear daughter.” Alexander said as he held his daughters hands,
“I am not dying, father, I have been away from my King for a month, I am married now, I have obligations to both him and my people; but I promise I will return, take care of yourself, you as well mother.” She said as she kissed both of them on their cheeks. She moved over to her sisters and Raven,
“You would do well to take care of yourselves, do not explore too much Edith, same with you Raven, and watch over my nephew dear sister.” She said as she turned to look at Agatha,
“of course, be well.” Agatha said, maintaining a firm face. A man in armor walked over to Myranda; he had white skin,  shoulder length hair that looked brown yet ginger, brown eyes and a nicely carved beard, his body was muscular yet slender,
“My Queen, it is time.” He gestured for her to take his hand; she took it and followed him to a carriage, she entered first and he followed, the door closed behind them and they rode off. Myranda and the man sat in the carriage facing each other, they said nothing for awhile until the man spoke,
“how are you feeling about returning home my queen?” He asked as he looked at her,
“please Arne, not now, I would like to enjoy the little time I have left to myself.” She said looking through the window. The journey to Maelstrom lasted a month and a few days due to the innovations implemented by both Reigngord and Maelstrom: a bridge that connected the borders of the two kingdoms, created during the reign of the Eragon Kings, along with help from the Wyverns; without the bridge, the journey from Reigngord would have taken at least three months. As Myranda’s carriage approached Maelstroms borders she felt her heart sink and was nauseated, it showed on her face,
“Are you alright?” Arne asked with a look of concern; She rose her head up and swallowed whatever was about to come out of her mouth,
“Yes I am alright, there is no need to worry.” She said with a smile, it was clearly fake,
“You are the Queen, it is my job to worry.” He said as he looked at her once more. As They reached the borders, the carriage came to a halt and a man in dark silver armor approached them, Arne beforehand had opened the carriage door,
“state your name and purpose.” The man said as he lifted up a piece of his helmet to reveal his face,
“Lord Arne Ordan, I am a knight of the King's guard, I accompanied the Queen, princess Myranda on her journey to Reigngord, we both have returned.” He said gesturing towards Myranda,
“your grace! I apologize.” He said bowing his head,
“It is alright, you serve with honor, I am grateful.” She said with a smile, Arne closed the door and they proceeded to ride on. They rode through a forest path filled with trees of green and yellow leaves, and as they were about coming out of the forest the castle was clear to see,
“There it is my queen.” Arne said as he looked through the window at the far away castle,
“there it is indeed.” She said as she heaved a sigh of relief; as they exited the forest they entered the town, a city just like most, with buildings left and right. Traders of different goods filled the streets, wheelbarrows and carriages filled with both people, merchants and their goods passed by, but the towns people cleared a path for the carriage containing Myranda and Arne, for even they recognized the royal sigil of House Scotts, a leafless tree in a large pool of water,
“The people are staring.” Myranda said still looking outside,
“The knights positioned at the border may forget the sigil, but the people in the town will never forget the crest of their King.” He said as he looked at her, she looked back briefly then continued to stare at the people, as they left the town they approached an even greater part of the city, ‘the lords corner’, home to the nobility and their privileged servants. The carriage rode by and finally they were at their destination, castle Maelstrom; the gates opened and the carriage entered a wide space filled with Horses and barrels, it came to a halt and a middle aged man stood at the door, it opened from the inside and Myranda stepped out while holding Arne’s hand for support,
“Queen Myranda, welcome back.” The man said to her, she embraced him then stepped back. He was a middle aged man with shoulder length light brown hair, filled in with gray bits along with a mustache and a beard, he was lord Aron Barrach, the King's physician,
“hello lord Aron, thank you, have you come to welcome me alone?” She asked as she looked around. Suddenly her eyes landed on a woman moving close to her, she smiled,
“Ada.” She said as she embraced her; she was a beautiful young woman with ginger hair that almost looked red, her eyes were brown and her figure was slender along with a slim face. She was lady Ada Barrach, Arons daughter,
“When word came that you were returning, I insisted that myself and father be the first ones to greet you, how was your journey sister? How is Reigngord?” She asked in a tone of curiosity,
“well…my journey was alright, Reigngord is thankfully still in one piece, so is House Elrod.” She said with a smile,
“but of course Reigngord is still held together by your father King Alexander, no other man is as good with peace when it comes to the Kings of Asleandra.” Aron said as he laughed, Ada nudged him,
“father! The King has eyes everywhere, what if he were to hear you?” She said as she shared in his laughter,
“Speaking of, I should show myself to my husband, to let him know I have returned.” She said as she walked towards an open space in the wall, Arne followed her. They climbed up a few steps and soon reached a large door from which voices could be heard from the inside,
“Are you ready, my Queen?” He asked as he looked at her, he could see a sense of anxiety in her eyes,
“this is something I must do, it is not a matter of if I am ready or not, let’s just be done with it.” She said looking straight at the wooden door,
“alright then.” He said as he stepped forward; he opened the door and Myranda walked in. The commotion in the hall ceased and everyone's attention shifted to her, they stared but all she did was look straight at where her husband ‘King Artemas of House Scotts, ruler of Maelstrom’, sat on the throne, a man with short blonde hair and amber eyes, tall and slender bodied,
“The Queen Myranda, princess of Reigngord, and Queen of Maelstrom.” Arne announced, all but the King and an old woman rose to their feet and bowed their heads, after which they all sat down once more,
“my lords, we shall continue this meeting of the King's high council later, my wife has returned.” The King said with a smile; the people in the room dispersed and all who remained were Arne and the old woman. As Myranda stepped closer to the throne, the King rose up to meet her where she stood,
“my queen, it has been sometime has it not.” He said as he embraced her with a kiss, he detached after,
“Yes my King, I bring greetings from my father and gifts from Reigngord.” She said with an uncomfortable smile,
“I will check everything myself and send word to Reigngord of your safe return, but for now we must go, there is much I wish to discuss with you.” He said walking towards the door; she was about following him when she heard her name from someone behind her,
“Lady Dahlia, greetings.” She said as she looked at the old woman, it was the lady Dahlia Scotts, mother to the king. Her hair was long dark brown and her eyes hazel, she was plump and thick as most women younger than her wished to be,
“Myranda, you seem to forget yourself these days, as Queen your one job is to stay here with the King, ‘my son’, and bear his children, I did not have my late husband, may his soul rest with the gods, get my only child married to you so you could wander about the realm, you are just as replaceable as any lady in the kingdom.” She said to her,
“Yes mother…I shall remain at the King's side from now on, I apologize for disappointing you.” She said with a firm face, Dahlia walked past her. Not long after that Myranda made her way to the Kings chambers, she opened the door and entered to see her husband waiting with his pants off while facing the window,
“I apologize for my tardiness, your grace, I was speaking to the Queen mother.” She said as she looked at him, there was no reply and he continued to look out, suddenly he spoke,
“did you know I held a feast while you were away, it was one for the history books, the day started with a joust, only a few men got injured, but at the end of it all the lords and ladies of the kingdom drank to their fill, there were more whores to go around than the men could count.” He said still looking away,
“your grace…” She said with a lack for words,
“one of the men, lord Simeon Dunbar offered me one of these whores, some other of the lords laughed and encouraged it, they said since my lady wife was not available I might as well enjoy myself; I had lord Simeon beheaded but before that I let him watch as my men put every member of his House on a spike, I also had some lords tongues cut out because they dared to laugh and encourage Simeon’s foolishness.” He said still looking out, there was silence until he turned around to reveal his lower half uncovered and dick exposed, he spoke,
“the House of Dunbar had some of the best soldiers and finest women I had ever seen, and those lords were good with words, but I lost good men, my own people, because my Queen refused to be at my side, the common lords made jest of me because my lady wife decided to leave my kingdom for two months.” He said as he came closer to her,
“I apologize my King, but my father requested my presence-” Before she could finish, he struck her on the face and she fell to the ground,
“Shut up! I am speaking! You are the Queen, my wife! You do not speak unless I say so! You belong to me, your father lost all right to you the day he made that agreement with MY father! You are my property and you will stay in Maelstrom! Do you understand me? Answer me!” He shouted,
“yes your grace…” She said, looking at the ground. He struck her once more on the other cheek as she looked up, he stepped back and sat on the bed,
“Now, remain on your knees and come make yourself useful.” He said as he looked at her with disdain, she crawled over to him and he grabbed her by the chin,
“MY property.” He whispered once more as he pushed her head down on his cock.  

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