Chapter 6: Agatha.

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Agatha sat on a bed in her chambers with her son Lance in arms; he sat on her laps and slowly closed his eyes as she hummed a song. Sir Gregor walked through the door and closed it behind him,

“My dear.” He said as he walked over to a table. He placed his sword, and its sheath on it and sat down beside her;  he kissed her on the cheek then quickly detached,

“Good day, have you returned from the meeting with my father already?” She asked as she laid Lance on the bed to sleep,

“I have, but his grace has requested that I accompany prince Alaric on his journey to the outer reaches of Reigngord, the hills and mountain areas in order to search for the Wyverns.” He said, putting on some armor,

“ah yes, my fathers competition between my siblings and I, and if you do indeed encounter one of these Wyverns, do you believe chainmail will protect you from a creature that can burn you to ash?” She said as she sized him; he laughed,

“I am hoping it will not come to that, or do you not wish me a safe return.” He smiled at her as he adjusted his armor,

“Of course I wish you a safe journey and safe return, I am just being practical.” She said as she stood up and walked over to a table with a tray full of blue roses. There was a brief silence in the room, Agatha picked up one of the roses and smelt it; Gregor said something,

“Why do you not participate?” He asked as he continued to look at her,

“what?” She asked in response,

“You are the eldest of House Elrod, and one of the most capable people I have ever met; if not for our son you would have continued to learn the ways of the sword, so why do you choose not to give yourself such an opportunity?” He explained. She turned around to face him as she leaned against the table of roses,

“Please, we both know this entire competition is just a result of my fathers indecisive nature, most likely at the end of the day it is Alaric who will be King, or Raven if Alaric makes enough mistakes; but we the women of House Elrod were not born to rule. Myranda is married to a man in an entirely different kingdom, and a King for that matter, one would say she has no reason to want a thing, especially not a throne, and myself am married to you Sir Gregor; a knight of the crown, Lord of The Spine and captain of the guard, marriages set in place before hand to ensure we have no reason to aim for anything higher, marriages we had no say in, I believe dear Edith may be the only one to do something of her own choosing.” She said as she dropped the Rose. Gregor stood up and held her hands,

“I for one do not believe that thrones were made to be sat on by men alone, if they were, then there would be no use for a Queen to sit at his side.” He said as he grabbed her by the waist; she then put her hands behind his head,

“beautiful words you have spoken, so what are you suggesting? That I strive to defeat my younger brother and claim the title of heir? That would mean you losing the value of your name, and Elrod reigning supreme, would you truly be fine with that?” She asked,

“If you were to be Queen it would mean Lance to be king when you step down from the seat, my brother Dorian can bear the responsibility of Carrying on the Spinehower legacy, I will be content knowing my lady wife and blood son will sit the throne.” He replied. He embraced her and they kissed.

Agatha walked down a slightly empty hallway when Dorian approached her,

“sister, how does the day find you?” He asked with a smile,

“I am well brother, I would have assumed you’d be out hunting with Alaric.” She said as they walked,

“you should be well aware by now my lady, but I am not the type to take part in needless violence; I will support Alaric is he to win your fathers challenge, but until that time I would prefer to be a simple explorer.” He replied her,

“Well about that, after some encouragement from my lord husband, your brother; I have decided to take part in this, regardless of the fact that I am a woman, and currently a mother.” She said as they both stopped walking,

“That is amazing news sister, I never really saw my brother as one to support you in such an endeavor, but I am glad he is doing so, you would make an excellent Queen.” He said with a smile. He continued to walk but suddenly stopped when he realized Agatha had stayed far behind,

“Is something the matter my princess?” He asked as he continued to look at her. She stepped forward and stood beside him; she took his hands and said something,

“My lord husband's sudden support might simply be because he has his own motive for when he would become King consort, but nevertheless no matter what his true intentions may be, I will continue to fight for the throne with all I have in me.” She said as she looked up at him,

“Where is this all coming from?” He asked still maintaining a smile,

“My father has set the stage for something far bigger than anything he expects; a war is coming Dorian, and there will be casualties, and usually the first casualties of war are the few good people who remain in the world.” She said as she looked into his eyes,

“I do not know if you intend to praise me dear sister, I am flattered.” He said holding both her hands,

“what I am essentially trying to say Dorian…is that you have been a great friend to both Alaric and myself, and I will always cherish our friendship for as long as the gods permit me to be here, but this fight is not your own, you are young and just at the start of your life; leave Reigngord, explore Asleandra and marry a woman whom you love, have children and maybe one day return to Reigngord, but until then I do not know what would happen to this House if you were to suffer-” She was about to continue talking but Dorian stopped her,

“no sister no, do not speak of such things, times of war are far behind Reigngord, nothing will happen, you have no reason to be scared.” He said as he embraced her; unconsciously she began to cry, but she soon stopped,

“I apologize, I do not know why I am acting emotional, I became afraid for no reason.” She said as she dried her eyes with a cloth; he then held her by the face and rubbed his fingers against her tears,

“Your tears are indeed unsightly.” He said, they both laughed,

“But such tears must not be seen again, if you are to be Queen then you must never let your people see you as weak.” He said once again. They continued walking a bit longer and reached a balcony; Agatha stopped and spoke,

“Words alone will not win me the crown, my father said before that his army is at our disposal; I want to journey with them to the Bridge of Skies, it was rumored to once have been a Wyvern nesting ground after it was abandoned.” She said as she looked at him,

“the Bridge of Skies? You mean the former stronghold of Houses Nevagod and Blackstone?” He asked,

“Yes, there is only one bridge afterall, that is where I shall begin my search, but before then, I must improve my skills with the sword.” She said with a smile, he smiled back.

Meanwhile in the far distance, Alaric rode with Sir Gregor, along with several others to the Hill lands of Reigngord, where nothing but Ruins waited for them, but would they be able to find something in these Ruins?

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