Chapter 10: Lady Raziah.

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As Myranda watched them, she wondered for exactly how long this had been going on; had Artemas ever for even a minute been truly hers? She could not help but imagine if there were even others,
“I really must go now my love.” Raziah said as she kissed him on the lips; she detached but he pulled her back by the hand,
“When will you return to me?” He asked as he looked at her, she smiled,
“We can meet at the shores behind the castle, I will expect you by midnight.” She said as she kissed him once more, after which she left him and walked out the door. As she looked left and right, she saw no one and made her way to the end of the hallway. Myranda came out from a space behind the wall and walked to the door of her chambers. She was hesitant to open it at first but eventually did. Artemas laid on the bed with a book in hand,
“oh, it is you, my Queen.” He said as he avoided looking at her; she stood there without uttering a word,
“Is something the matter, my love?” He said dropping his book to look at her,
“your love? You dare call me your love after embracing another woman with so much tenderness and care than you have ever shown me.” She said in a tone of anger,
“I do not know where this rude tone is coming from but I will excuse it because I am in a good mood, what do you think you are talking about-” She interrupted him,
“Do you take me for a fool? Do not treat me as if I am some stupid child that will believe everything you say despite seeing the truth for myself.” She said furiously,
“you are addressing your King, you will speak to me with respect or you will not speak at all-” She interrupted once more,
“fuck it all! Why should I respect you?! Have you ever once respected me?! You go around calling yourself a King but the gods know how many other women you’ve shamelessly put to bed-” As she was about to continue he rose from the bed and grabbed her by the neck, pushing her up against the wall,
“Shut up! I have warned you to address me with RESPECT! You will obey me or I will teach you a lesson unlike any before!” He said as he threw her on the ground, she began coughing and spat out a bit of blood,
“And so what if I have laid with other women? So what if I have laid with Raziah? I am the King! I can do anything I want! Should I then limit myself to the likes of you?! If I lie with other women it is because you are not adequate, and will never be adequate, you should be grateful I even see it fit to touch you. Now, get out of my sight before I lose my temper with you!” He said as he turned away from her, she used a stool as support to get up then walked out the door closing it as she left.
In the garden Myranda and Ada are sitting on the stone slab, Arne stood as he watched for anyone that may be around, Ada embraced Myranda when they suddenly detached,
“I always knew his majesty was a brute, but he has gone too far this time, something must be done about his attitude.” Ada said in a tone of anger,
“apart from being the heirs to the throne of Maelstrom for over four centuries, the House of Scotts has one of the largest claims to the wealth of Asleandra, no ONE House would be willing to confront not to mention go against them, I do not know what we can do to the King or his mother.” Myranda said as she looked at Ada,
“please my Queen, the King’s a fool and his mother’s a fucktard, Maelstrom will eventually sink one day with him as King and that woman as his advisor.” Arne said in a tone of irritation,
“but he is still the King, he has been for three years now-” Ada interrupted her,
“and within those three years look at all the damage he has done, just look at what he had done to House Dunbar, I’m sure he boasted about it, but all those men, women, the children Myranda, slaughtered for what? You more than anyone should understand losing a child.” Ada said, Myranda glared at her and she stopped speaking,
“my Queen, we do not mean to reopen wounds of the past, but you out of everyone have witnessed his cruelty first hand, this cannot go on. We cannot force you to do anything, but just know that whatever path you choose we will support you.” Arne said as he held her shoulder and sat down beside her,
“Believe it or not, you are one of the greatest things to happen to this kingdom since Artemas came into power. We will back you up, ALWAYS.” Ada said, both of them then embraced Myranda.
In the Kings chambers later that night, not long till midnight Artemas wore a shirt and threw a robe on top of it, Myranda exited the garderobe wearing a long flowing nightgown; she sat on the stool in front of her mirror and began brushing her hair, she noticed two cups along with wine on a tray, on the table next to their bed,
“Are you going somewhere my King?” She asked without looking at him,
“not that it is any of your business but yes, I am going out for a walk.” He said as he buttoned his sleeves. Myranda placed her brush on the table in front of her and rose to her feet, she walked over to her husband and held him from behind,
“what are you doing?” He asked in irritation,
“I apologize for my earlier behavior, my love, it is not my wish to live in animosity with you, will you please forgive me.” She said as she kissed him on the neck and pulled him to the bed,
“alright fine, I forgive you, but I really must go now.” He said trying to leave, she held him back,
“please my love, just lay with me for a bit before you go, your walk can wait.” She said picking up one of the cups of wine, after which she drank the contents, Artemas followed and picked the other cup,
“I guess I could delay just a bit.” He said drinking the wine, she began kissing him on the neck and unbuckling his trousers,
“Maybe you ARE of some use after all.” He said as he sat there,
“and maybe you are more foolish than I originally thought.” She said as she continued, he then struck her on the face,
“I warned you before about how you should address your King.” He said, as he was about to strike her again he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest and his hand fell. He looked as if he were gasping for breath and suddenly fell to the ground, he tried to muster up the strength to breathe but it was to no avail, the blood had already mixed with the saliva and began to choke him; he looked at Myranda with blood and terror in his eyes,
“Are you surprised? Or are you afraid? You look surprised, because you never expected this, especially not from me, but I had enough of your treatment to last a lifetime.” She said as she looked at him with disgust. He continued to look at her as his eyes filled red with his own blood,
“All my life I have been told how beautiful I am, how any man who had the honor of my hand in marriage would be so fortunate and that he whom I eventually married would have no reason to want because of my beauty. But not only did you engage another woman, you blamed me for it; you are cruel, manipulative and selfish, just like all those others you only chose me because of my looks, but it is for that very reason that you never believed I could stand against you, it is for that very reason that you will die and no one will suspect a thing.” She said as she looked at him once more. His body stopped moving and the light faded from his eyes; she got on her knees and put the back of her hand under his nose, she took a deep breath then screamed,
“HELP! PLEASE! SOMEONE PLEASE COME!” She shouted as she clung to his body and fake tears rolled down her eyes. Multiple people then barged into the room.

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