Chapter 7

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"Ratchet, point the light."

"uh, optimus im not sure if that's a good idea."

Kara watch nervously as Optimus ordered Ratchet while pointing at the room where the two teens are as Ratchet bright light beams are now on and were shining straight into the room." come on hurry." Ironhide urged before every human froze when they heard a door knock." Oh spirit. The parents!" Hissed Kai as the earth's protector scramble a bit." you guys need to hide and fast! Sam's parents are coming." Kara warn as she air bend herself up to the roof to hide.

As the earth protectors hide, they could hear Sam and his parents are talking to each other." This is repression, what you're doing here. You're ruining my youth!" Sam vented out as Ivy, who was standing behind Sam parents, face palm while sighing." Oh for pete's sake! you are so defensive!" Judy called her son out as she looked over at him with perplexed expression on her face." were you. . . . masturbating??" she asked making Ivy stared at her with horrific look on her face." And im out of here." Ivy said as she turn around, both arms raise and walk out.

"Quick hide!" hissed Kai, making the bots scramble to hide. Jazz and Bumblebee were hiding under the porch, with Aila and Tiara." Bee get your aft off my faceplate." Jazz whispered making Tiara wheeze silently. Rae, Kai, and Caleb were hiding from the other side of the house with Rathet and Ironhide. Kara was on the roof as she saw Optimus peek on the bathroom window by accident before rearing back as he lean close on the house, trying to break the house as he balance himself. However, when he suddenly move, the ground began to shake once again making Sam's father yelled." aftershock! aftershock! oh i hate these!" Optimus make an eye contact at Kara, who was smiling in amusement at his struggling not to crash the house behind him.

"Oh no look at the yard." Sam's father poke his head out of the window, holding his flashlight in his hand." The yard is destroyed." he said as Kara tried her best to stay hidden on the roof while optimus did the same thing as he hopes that the human didnt notice him." sheesh! Judy? better call the city. We got a blown transformer! power pole's sparking all over the place! awe men, the yard's a waste. Trashed. Gone. its a wash the whole yard." he said as he went back  making Kara let out a relief sigh while optimus relax." your kidding."

"the parents are very irritating." Ironhide said as he slowly activate his gun." yeah, yeah, yeah." Ratchet said as he tried to pushed Ironhide's cannon gun down." Can i take them out??" Ironhide asked making every earth's protector stared at him with wide eyes." Absolutely not" Kara said with a frown on her face." Ironhide, you know we dont harm humans. What is wrong with you?" Optimus said to him with a frown on his faceplate, scolding him." well, i'm just saying we could, its just an option." Ironhide said with a shrugged." an option my ass." Kai mumble out as he rolled his eyes in annoyance. 

"He reminds me of Ivy back in our youthful years." Aila pointed out making Tiara nodded in agreement making two cybertronians look at her confuse what they meant. Kara sigh before look at Optimus, who tense up along with the rest of the bots." uh, you guys alright??" asked Kai with a frown on his faceplate as Ivy came out of the house walking towards to them." we gotta go. Now." Optimus ordered, offering his servo for Kara to hop on." what's wrong??" she asked as she notice serious look on his faceplate." someone is coming." Ironhide said making Tiara suddenly tense up and frown." They're right. Something or someone are coming. . .Here. Fast." she said as she sense it through seismic sense. 

This concern the protectors as the autobots transformed into their alt modes making the 7 protectors hop on before the 5 vehicles drove away, hiding in the shadows." who's coming??" whispered Kai as he and Ivy were inside of Ironhide's alt mode. There they saw many black cars appeared before parking right in front of the Witwicky's household.

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