I copy her by eyeing her up and down in a showy manner. "Damn girl, you're hot."

Lydia giggles. "This is a big change from your usual jeans and cardigan combo. What happened?" Instantly, Lydia looks as though she wishes she could take her words back.

And suddenly, the atmosphere shifts.

"Teddy, can I talk to you for a minute...?" Allison inquires, glancing at Isaac and Scott worriedly. Wordlessly, we walk a couple of lockers away. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." I smile. "Are you?"

"Are you sure? Last night I thought I heard you cr—"

"Allison," I interrupt with a dismissive wave of my hand, "I'm fine, alright? Believe me, Isaac breaking up with me is just about the least of my worries right about now."

"If you're sure," she says uncertainly.

"How are you feeling after the whole Nemeton incident?" I inquire.

"Deaton was definitely right about there being a darkness," Allison sighs. "I don't even know how I got to school, I was too busy having visions of Aunt Kate."

Oh my word. That's so scary.

"Shoot." I frown, concerned. "That's really dangerous. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Just... shaken up."

"I can imagine." I squeeze the side of her arm comfortingly. "Make sure you get someone to drive you around — like Isaac or Lydia." I pause, hesitant. "...actually, speaking of cars, um, I know this is a bad time, but do you mind if I take the car for a couple days?"

"Oh... sure," she says, rummaging around in her leather satchel and passing me the keys. "When are you going?"

"After the maths test."

"Oh, damn. Okay."

"Call me if something's up, okay? Or if you just feel like calling..." I trail off. "I just can't be here any longer, I'm going crazy."

"I know how you feel."


I attempt to rap the brass knocker on the Mikaelson's huge front door.

My duffel bag is hanging precariously off my shoulder and my arms are filled with six simple, yet elegant, bouquets of white Baby's Breath, which is proving to be an immense difficulty with regards to the task at hand.

Unfortunately, I do not succeed in knocking on the front door. "Uh... hello," I call, hopeful, "If anyone's in there, would you mind opening the door? Preferably sooner rather than later, because my arms are about to fudging fall off."

Rebekah opens the door. Instantly, she smiles warmly, making all of my nerves disappear. "You came back."

"Of course I did," I declare with a grin. I gesture my head at the bouquets in my arms. "One of these is for you."

"You're too precious." She takes one. "Thank you. Please come in." She closes the door behind us.

"Is that...?" someone inquires before emerging from a room on the left, dressed in a navy-blue suit and a crisp white shirt.

Smiling from ear to ear, I greet, "Hello Elijah."

"Nylah, this is a pleasant surprise," he says, unable to suppress his own wide smile.

"Mini Mikaelson...?" Klaus appears on the top of the stairs. A little bit of scruff has grown out on his face since I saw him last. "Back so soon? It's only been a few days."

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