8: Living is Hard, Being an Immigrant Can be Harder

Start from the beginning

It's been a chaotic first week here at the Wisteria house, but you can't say you'd want it any other way.

... Sure, they might've accidentally found your private album of your nudes and you were mortified for life (and so were they), but you can't say it was that bad.

You knew, after all, that you have the most amazing tits. No matter the size, shape, color, etc. All titties are amazing, but yours? They were the fairest of them all.

It's not just your phone that they care about, by the way. You have so much shit in your bag that they were curious about. Your pretty colored pencils and Sharpies had their attention since all they knew of were those bulky brushes they have to use all the time and the occasional black pen.

Inosuke especially loved to scribble on your paper with the colored pencils, and often times you'd join him in doodling. You tried teaching him how to draw a few things, but he is not patient enough to learn and would often just... yell and tear up your poor paper. That was fine with you though, drawing isn't for everyone.

Zenitsu was more interested in the sound of your keyboard. It didn't work or want to turn on, but that didn't matter to him. Since you had the very clacky keyboard type, he loved to just randomly press the buttons for the noise. He's so real for that honestly.

As for Tanjiro, he spent the most time listening to music. It... It reminded you of how you'd often play music or a show in the background whenever you felt lonely because you got so used to the loudness of when your siblings used to live with you. Ever since they moved out, it was too quiet and it made you uncomfortable, so you needed the noise.

You think Tanjiro might be the same way, even if he hasn't realized it himself yet.

All in all, you're a little embarrassed to admit it, but you've already grown quite attached to your new friends. And... And it's okay if they don't feel the same way towards you. You're already mentally preparing yourself for the goodbye that'll come once it's time for them to leave.


It's been... rough. Despite all the good times you've had, and despite it being peaceful since you were all in the healing process, it's been kind of hard for you.

For starters, you don't speak Japanese. Hisa has been very kind to you and would occasionally sit through with you to try and teach you some words and phrases whenever she had the time, but it's only been two weeks by now and that's not enough time. Another thing...

You are technically an illegal immigrant in Japan now. To make matters worse, you don't have official documentation or any records of your existence ANYWHERE so even if you told the truth and said you're from America, they won't find records of you there either because this isn't your world.

Isn't that fucking great?

They can't send you to America because, like, where the hell would you go? They can't exactly prove that you immigrated here, so arresting you isn't the right move either. It's a little funny though, can this be classified as a situationship? You always wanted to be in one of those just for the memes!

But anyway, that's what's happening. You're stuck in this stand-still of the authorities not really knowing what to do about you, and you trying to heal in this place because Inosuke thought it would be a cute idea to break your ribs. At least Hisa had reassured you that, if anything, you are more than welcome to stay at the Wisteria house, even if you're not a Demon Slayer, and even after you've healed up.

The three boys also seemed to have something to say about your situation, too. Near the end of the second week during your one-on-one doctor check-up, they were privately discussing something of importance.

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