7: Gurenge

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"Your bedding."

Hisa is on her knees, and behind her are four futons though one of them was a meter or two away from the other three. You make a guess that it's supposed to be yours, and this was an attempt to protect you from those stinky boys.

"There she is, the monster hag-"

Zenitsu's cries were silenced by Tanjiro's mean bonk to the head. But the real question is: was he silent, or was he silenced?! Anyway, Hisa nods her head and gets up to leave the room. Inosuke, that bitch, grins as he jumps to the futon closest to yours.

"First come, first served!" Inosuke pats his futon, "I'm taking this one!"

You smile at his energy, scanning the room for a moment. Hisa said she was also moving your shit into this room, so that includes your backpack. You don't need to look for long, she had placed it at the foot of your futon. With relaxing shoulders, you make your way to take your spot on your futon, wincing at the pain on your sides. You cross your legs and make sure your yukata is pulled down so you're not accidentally flashing anyone.

You reach over to get your bag, hissing at the pain again. You slowly drag your bag towards yourself, not wanting to hurt yourself even further-



You look up just in time to see Inosuke chuck a pillow at the poor blond. You guessed you must've missed the conversation while you were in your own world. Still, you laugh at the display but quickly stop with a groan while holding your stomach. Ouch.

You hope when the doctor comes by, he'll have good news about your ribs...


You all sat on your knees in a line, waiting for the doctor to do his speedy check-up. The boys' yukata were held open for easier access, but Hisa told you that you were allowed to keep it closed.

"Here is the doctor," Hisa says, and then she translates it for you immediately afterward.

Sure, you knew as much from your memory of the anime and manga, but you appreciate the heads-up anyway. The doctor is very speedy in his check-up, and he is more careful when handling you, which you also appreciate.

"Yes," He says, to which Hisa translates for you, "Sever!"



You ended up moving your futon closer to the others so you wouldn't feel less alone all the way in Timbuktu. You lay next to Inosuke, Tanjiro next to him, and Zenitsu in the last futon. You were all a bit depressed by the news, so you were lying with each other in silence and misery, just staring at the ceiling.

Zenitsu has one broken rib, you have two, Tanjiro has three broken ribs, and Inosuke has four.

How cute that your pain went in order like this! Now you all get to be in pain together!

Your attention is grabbed by Insouke who brushes his bangs back, revealing the gnarly ass bump on his forehead.

"This bump hurts more than my ribs," Inosuke admits quietly.

"Sorry," Tanjiro says, not tearing his eyes from the ceiling.

"Hey, you better apologize to [Y/n] and me." Zenitsu says after, "It really hurt, you know. And I bet it was worse for her, too. Getting pounded into a pulp like that. Say you're sorry to us."

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