3: Did You Hate Inosuke, or Did You Just Need to go to Sleep?

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A/N: Wow hey! Sorry I took a while on this! I have a few chapters ready now so I'll be able to go back to updating at least once a week!


You watch silently as the boys make their way inside, looking through your backpack once they are out of sight. Your water bottle was a little more than half full, or was it half empty? To be, or not to be?

That is the question.

You continue to search through the bag, finding a small bag you carried that had a few pads inside, but it only reminded you that you'll have enough for one day at best. You had a few notebooks too, but the bottoms were all fucked up because of the water that busted open.

Too focused on yourself and your minor inconveniences, you fail to notice the scratching sounds that came from the box. But you did see the kids stand up from your peripheral vision. They were staring at the box with a scared look on their face.

That can't be good.

"Uh, hey, you don't have to be scared..." You trail off awkwardly, realizing that your words mean nothing when no one can fucking understand you.

Not giving you a second glance, the kids probably thought they should cut their losses and ditch your ass. They back away and run after Tanjiro and Zenitsu, shouting something you couldn't comprehend.


You groan in frustration. You think they'll be okay, after all, they'll have Tanjiro and Zenitsu. It still made you nervous, though. What if they don't catch up to them in time, and they die a horrible and gruesome death?


You should probably stop being so pessimistic.

You stand up and walk closer to the box which Nezuko was just vibing in. You put the backpack down next to you, taking off your hoodie since it was getting uncomfortably warm now. You can't help but look at the body that was still there, inhaling sharply before looking away.

"...Is it a bad time to mention that... that I know you're in there?" You say in a soft tone, "I can't stop myself from looking at the dead man's body. It's like... a morbid curiosity thing, you know?"

Of course, Nezuko doesn't answer because you are speaking English, and also because she's probably sleeping.

"It's not like I can dig this guy a grave or anything, either. What am I gonna do? Shoot him a grave?" You sigh through your nose.


You don't even have a gun for that joke to make sense! You hate it here!

"You probably can't understand me, but... I still want to talk to someone. I've only been here a few hours, but I already feel pretty lonely. I don't speak Japanese, and I can barely understand it. I feel so left out. And I... I feel..."

You frown, purposely keeping your eyes on the ground because you keep getting the urge to look at the body.

"I don't really know how I should feel. You read about this crap in fan-fiction, but the story was always so convenient, like the main character somehow could speak Japanese, or the main character was somehow the chosen one so they had the strength or power to defend themselves."

You press against the box and cross your arms on top of it, resting your chin against your arm and sigh.

"This is cool and all, but I just want to go back home now. I miss my best bud, Eli, and I miss my dad. You know, there was actually a virus that was going around and for some reason everyone went apeshit for toilet paper and it went out of stock. The code word for it was "The Backstreet Boys were going on tour.""

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