4: The Fuckening

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A/N: [B/n] will stand for "Butchered Name" since Inosuke is funny like that

I am SO SO sorry this took forever. Life is eating my ass, and NOT in a sexy way. I'm juggling other stories and my adult responsibilities, and having to deal with demotivation and self donut and emotional turmoils and-

Safe to say shit is getting brutal lmao but Please don't mistake that this story is discontinued or anything, I'm just... going through it


You all stare at Inosuke with shock, and possibly... admiration?

Woah, bro's beautiful...

"Huh?! A girl?! Huh?! Your face!!" Zenitsu screeches in shock.

"What the hell...?" Inosuke moves his hand from his forehead, grinning wildly like a maniac. "You've got a problem with my face or something?"

"You're one creepy guy, you know that? You've got such a ripped body, but there's a girl's face sitting on top of it..."

Inosuke snaps his head towards the blond, "Why the hell are you staring at my face like that?!"

"I-I'm not! I'm not looking at your face!" Zenitsu yelps, scrambling to hide behind you.

"We don't have a problem with your face!" Tanjiro shakes his head. "It's quite petite, fair-skinned, and therefore attractive!"

If you're remembering it right, then Tanjiro was complimenting Inosuke, right? Something about it seems a little fruity...


Side eye...


Still, you have to agree that Inosuke's appearance is actually giving your whiplash because he really does look like a girl.

You nod your head, "Mhm! Mhm! Bro's ethereal."

Inosuke has no idea what you just said, but you were nodding along with the redhead, so he comes to the conclusion that you're agreeing with what he said. Which is only a little weird because didn't the blond wimp say you don't speak Japanese?

"You're both corpses!" Inosuke gets over his confusion and chooses violence, "Come at me!"

"Not happening! I'm not going to attack you anymore!" Tanjiro refuses.

"Try head-butting me one more time!"

"Nope! I'm done!"

"I said do it! Come on!"

"You sit yourself down! Are you okay??"

Wow. What a riveting conversation. Wish you could understand them. Even though you have a good idea of what they're saying from remembering the anime, you still don't know what they're saying and shit.

"Hey, big forehead! Let me tell you my name. It's Hashibira Inosuke! Don't you forget it!"

Tanjiro nods intensely, "What characters do you use to spell that?"

"Spell?! Spell... I don't know how to read or write! That name was written on my loincloth-" Inosuke freezes up suddenly.

Ah, right. He's going to fall unconscious because of that gnarly headbutt.

"What's wrong...?" Zenitsu peaks around you, "He froze."

Four... You count in amusement in your head. Three... Two...

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