The second hole was a bit more messy, it was wine and each couple had to cross their arms with their partner while drinking their drink. Everyone got a spillage penalty for that one Jess decided to take the points instead of taking off her under shirt.

"Bet you're disappointed," Chris mentioned to Arthur as they were walking to the next pub. Chris and Arthur were joined by Harry who laughed at the comment, Arthur chose to try and shut it down. 

"Shut your big mouth you loser!" Having gone to school with Chris the pair of them often regressed to school boy playground insults. 

"How's your big video debut going?" Chip asked Jess as he put his arm round her shoulders. 

"I have no idea why I agreed to do this." She giggled slightly, downing wine was never a good thing for her to do, and Chip was also getting affected by it. 

Hole three was a shot of sambuca and no hands were required.

Arthur was first and he struggled, the glass going flying out and landing on the floor as he was half way through the drink. 

"Sorry, I am so sorry!" Arthur apologised profusely to the group of lads who were all in front of them in the front of the pub. In order to try and avoid an argument the group decided to get on with the video, hoping the cameras would stop the lads from starting anything. 

"Go on Jess!" George shouted and clapped his hand. 

"Yeah just imagine it's Arthur's tiny cock," Chip shouted just as Jess had started, she almost choked on her drink when she heard it but instead focused on her drink, she couldn't fail their team.

"That's outrageous," Harry commented from his position leaning on the outside of the pub with his arms folded. Jess completed the challenge and gave a little bow after the fact, stumbling a little on the way up only to have Arthur steady her. 

"Be careful." She could do nothing but give him a tipsy smile, how was he so polite and sweet? 

Holes four, five and six were a bit of a blur to most people. By the time they got to hole seven Harry and George were the only ones who were relatively sober. As time went on more and more points were being given out, both Arthur and now Jess had failed spectacularly. 

"No, no. No points for us it's time for our trump card!" Jess shouted as she held a hand up and wobbled a little as she did so. 

"You don't need to do this you know," Arthur stated not wanting her to do something she may regret later especially as this was going to be on camera. 

"Why do you keep saying that? Afraid you'll like what you see?" Jess asked with a wink. It was widely known Jess was an incredibly flirty drunk, it's why she had never been properly drunk around Arthur before, she didn't want to embarrass herself but now all bets were off. Arthur just stammered in response, not knowing what to say as he blushed profusely. Jess took herself off to the bathroom and when she re-joined the group her white vest was in her hand, a blue glittery shell bra the only thing now covering her up. Arthur coughed at the sight, Jess was a UK size10, her stomach wasn't overly toned, it was mostly flat but she also had some curves and they were very prominent. 

"I vote we send Jess in to get the drinks at the next pub. we might get them for free!" Harry shouted and everyone agreed.

"Or the barman has more respect than that," Arthur replied. Yes Jess looked good but there was so much more to her than that and he didn't like the way everyone else was ogling at her. 

"Hole eight, the penultimate hole and for this one team work is once again required as your partner has to pour your pint," Chip explained although by this point he was seriously struggling to get his words out coherently. 

Chris failed spectacularly, only getting half way through his before shaking his head and stopped, George faired better and necked the drink but still got a point for a slightly shakey pour from Chris. Harry downed his no problem despite Chip's very wonky pour and speaking of Chip he declined the drink entirely, protesting he was barely going to make it to the next hole as it was. His punishment for this was a tequila shot which he did before dramatically lying on the pavement. 

"I might have to sit on your lap," Jess said to Arthur as he had a bit of height on her.

"O...okay," Arthur managed to choke out as he sat on a chair. 

"What's happening here then!" George remarked as Jess placed herself on Arthur's lap sitting sideways as she waited for the go ahead to start pouring. Arthur tried to ignore the fact Jess' bare skin was inches away from him, not to mention how her bra and what was in it was close to his face. He kept on drinking and soon enough the glass was empty.

"Why didn't we think of that?" Chris slurred. Jess and Arthur swapped places and once again their tactic worked and the drink went down Jess without issue. When they had finished Jess shuffled allowing Arthur half the chair, as he sat she moved back onto his lap and placed her arms around his neck. 

"We're going to win this!" Jess giggled, but she couldn't be more wrong. Thanks to Harry's iron liver there was no way anyone could catch him and Chip up, even with Chip being a mess.

"If we do it's down to your clever thinking," Arthur replied, taking in a sharp deep breath at how close their faces were.

"And here I was thinking  was just here for eye candy, that and Chip was desperate," 

"I think you're wonderful," Arthur admitted looking into Jess's honey shaded eyes. Before either of them knew it their lips had locked and Jess's arms snaked over Arthur's neck, his holding tight around her waist.

"AT LAST!!!" Chris shouted as everyone cheered, the sound of the celebrations caused the pair to pull away, both blushing before Jess giggled and placed her head on Arthur's chest. 

"Thanks Chip, I owe you big time," Jess said with a sloppy smile on her face. 

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