Dating George Clarke Head cannons

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Requested :) Hope it lives up to expectations!

George makes it common knowledge that he isn't that great with women. What he failed to mention was there was only one woman on his mind. You, his friend he'd known for years and he waited and waited and waited for the right time to come.

When he finally plucked up the courage to ask you out he fumbled the words massively, was sweating, and wanted the ground to open up and swallow him whole. 

"There's no pressure to say yes if you didn't want to but I just thought it might be nice..." he sighed as he knew he had messed up this very special moment. You couldn't help but smile at your friends, you had known him for so long but even now he surprised you, surprised you by asking you out but the manner in which he did so was still so George you couldn't help but smile.

"You're too cute for your own good do you know that?" You giggled as he gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I'd love to," you added and now it was George's turn to smile.

Being with George was an adventure. There was an element of needing to be patient with him as he hadn't been in a long term relationship before and there were some mistakes. 

He is so tuned into feelings though, he knew the second he looks at you if you were upset or angry or stressed and there and then he made it his mission to try and cheer you up and make you feel better by telling you one of his shit jokes or embarrassing stories from some of his shoots.

HUGS this man is an absolute cuddle bug and because he tends to run really warm you absolutely loved it too, it wasn't so great in the summer when you had to peek yourself away from his sticky body in the morning but in the winter it was bliss. You loved nothing more on a cold winter evening then snuggling up with George, stealing his body heat as you settled under the blanket watching TV box sets, often The Inbetweeners on repeat. Listening to George recite lines from memory as he practised the different voices also.  

He would convince you to appear on his Tiktok's, every time you had to pretend to be annoyed or angry with him it would take at least ten attempts as you would laugh every time, it was too difficult to be mad at that face! Quite often his lip would curl up also. 

Being with George means being besties with Arthur Hill and going to his shows, feeling like a VIP when you got to go backstage. It also meant being taught how to take free kicks by ChrisMD and ArthurTV trying to teach you how to play chess. 

As much as you both loved to snuggle at home George also really loved going out and doing something. He was someone who liked being outside in general but being with you bought a whole new dimension to things and he absolutely loved showing you off. Ice skating, bowling, walks, going to the beach in summer he just loved being with you and holding your hand. 

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