ArthurTV- Legend

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Jess wasn't used to being in front of the camera, however since Theo had pulled out the night before due to yet another injury Chip had convinced her to take his place. She was one of his camera team but now faced being on the other side during a pub golf video. People had seen glimpses of her here and there as she had also done some behind the scenes work for some other associated Youtubers, meaning she knew everyone in the video in some capacity some more than others. 

"Hello and welcome to another pub golf!" Chip yelled to the camera as Jess, George, Chris, Arthur and Harry cheered behind him. 

"Of course no pub golf is complete without teams and costumes so without further ado, Chris your team mate is George!

"I'll take that!" Chris said as him and George high fived. 

"Chris we all know you are a little hobbit already but we've got you the costume anyway and George we have a Superman outfit for you, you sexy beast. The next couple is Arthur and Jess!" Chip announced, Jess looked up at him and smiled slightly trying to hide her blush. Jess had a small crush on Arthur since she had met him a couple of years ago, Chip knew this face as she blurted it out to him when she was drunk about a year and a half ago. Jess couldn't help but wonder if the teams were changed last minute to create this exact situation although the teams did make sense the way they were even with Theo instead of her. Now Arthur you are going to live up to your name and go as brave King Arthur and Jess for you we have a beautiful mermaid costume for you. Basically we wanted to give Theo a long wig but he's fucked it all up by spraining his ankle." Chip kept on explaining both to the group as well as the camera and Jess smiled along until she saw her costume constituted of a shell bra and a green mermaid skirt with a long red wig.

"I'm going to flash everyone, can I keep my vest on underneath?" Jess whispered to herself. George was one side of her and laughed at the comment, Arthur was the other side and a blush come onto his face, Chris was the other side of Arthur and elbowed him in the rib gently whispering in his ear.

"Steady on mate." Arthur chose to ignore it. 

"So that just leaves me and you Harry my good man."

"Yeah just put yourself on the winning team Chip!" Chris protested rolling his eyes. 

Chip was a dog and Harry was in a nurses uniform. Everyone got changed and Jess stuck a deal with Chip to put the bra over the top initially but if she took it off at any point that would void a forfeit or take two points from her and Arthur's score. 

"You don't need to do that if you don't want to, especially if you don't feel comfortable I don't mind either way," Arthur commented when Jess had told him the agreement. 

"Honestly it's fine. I have the choice, I'll see how I feel later," Jess smiled up at Arthur. Her light brown eyes looking into his big dark drown ones. Jess used to dislike brown hair and brown eyes, well she didn't like her own but then she met Arthur. 

"The first whole we have here a rum and coke. Nice and easy just have to drink it, down in one." 

George downed his drink with ease, Chris took a while longer but it was down in one. Harry of course had no problem, sending the brown liquid down his gullet like it was air. Chip was next and unfortunately had a slight pause which counted as two. 

"Ladies first," Arthur said gesturing for Jess to go first. She smiled at the chivalry before leaning her head back and sending the liquid down her throat with ease.

"Well done J!" Arthur smiled. 

"Thanks Arthur, come on you can do it now!" She encouraged, he paused for a moment before, maybe somewhat surprisingly down the drink also with ease. 

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