Dating ArthurTV Headcannons

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Okay so Arthur is a shyboy when it comes to women so he had a bit of help to ask you out initially. You worked as a photographer and part time camera operator and he had admired you from afar for years. Not in a creepy way, he would smile and choke out a hello when greeted but conversations were short and casual but he would sneak glances at you and smile and look away when you caught him looking.

After six months of this everyone had had enough and it was George Clarke who finally snapped. You were snapping photos of him and Max for his podcast, having spent the previous night listening to Arthur ask a million questions about you  he decided he couldn't hack it any longer. 

"Do you fancy Arthur?" He asked and you choked on your breath. Sure you thought he was cute bit you had given up all hope of anything happening. 

"What makes you say that?" You managed to ask, cheeks flushed. 

"Arthur is my friend but he's hardly full of rizz. If you like him you're going to have to be the one to make the move." This really made you think, you knew that Arthur was somewhat shy and not that great at talking to people but your own insecurities got the better of you and you thought that if he liked you that much then he would go for it. 

However with your new found confidence you ended up asking him out for a drink he was so excited when he read the message but also nervous. He wore a shirt, you hadn't specified it was a date but he wanted to make a good impression and he did indeed. After having a couple of drinks you called it a night, Arthur in particular wasn't a big drinker and didn't want to make a fool out of himself. However the two drinks he did have gave him the confidence to ask you out again, to dinner this time. 

You spent a few weeks going on but neither of you called it a date even though everyone else did. It was at a party at Chris, George's and both the Arthur's house that Chris and George decided they had had enough. You and Arthur were in the living room sitting next to each other on the sofa he was showing you online chess, you were interested to an extent but that didn't mean you understood it. 

"Jesus Chris Arthur there's a girl there ready to jump on it and you're showing her a chess game," Chris giggled like a school boy yep definitely drunk. 

"You've been going on dates for weeks just fucking get on with it." George was a lot more direct. The pair of you blushed and you ended up sleeping in his bed that night. Nothing happened, well nothing except for Arthur asking you to be his girlfriend. 

Both you and Arthur being animal lovers your dates often consisted of going to zoo's farms and aquariums, Arthur spouting animal facts as you walked around and you in awe at his intelligence. 

It took him a while to get used to holding your hand or putting an arm around you in public but eventually his need to have your touch overcame his awkwardness about doing so. 

Him trying and failing to teach you chess.

Going back to Jersey to see his family and his many siblings absolutely adoring the both of you. You loving them like they were your own family. 

Handing him his trusty backpack whenever he was about to leave the door. 

Him bringing you on to his reacts channel and the pair of you giggling like little school kids at ridiculous stuff and the fans loving how silly goofy the pair of you are.

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