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I was looking at her panic stricken face when realisation hit me.

I scared her.

But it wasn't my fault too I am like this since ever.

Always a non expressive person with cold demeanor.

I never had someone who could help me now how to express myself, how to understand other persons expressions, how to love...

Though I am having two loving brothers one who is always ready to do anything for me, for him whatever he says is a carving in stone while the other one is the apple of the eyes of both his brothers with his jolly, bubbly and carefree personality.

The real assets of my life, my brothers. The only reason which kept my faith on God were my brothers otherwise I would have lost my faith and trust on god long before.

Yes I was awake all the time because of the jingling of her anklets, the pleasant sound that graced the environment around me.

When Devangi was trying to wake me up but I was observing her actions because ofcourse being a king of the most powerful kingdom I was clever enough to not trust anyone easily.

But after noticing her actions keenly without letting her get any idea, I observed that she was not amongst those princesses who wished to win me by their body.

She was pure !

The only thought that came in my mind before I heard her.

"युवराज" I didn't said anything thing in response while not moving my eyes from her for even a second or blinking my eyes.

She was really beautiful no doubt her name was Devangi, Like a Goddess !

Not getting any response she looked at me and tried to stand but my strong hold on her waist didn't let her be successful in her mission.

As a result she again landed on my chest at this point she was looking too much adorable, her face was red like a red delicious apple especially her button nose and the raised tip of her nose that made her look quite funny also.

Without dipping her more into the pool of embarrassment I left her while she immediately stood up with her eyes stuck on the ground.

"आपके आने का कारण" I said maintaining my cold demeanor with my emotionless voice.

"वो..." She tried to speak hesitantly and I hummed waiting for her reply but after a good few seconds when she didn't spook anything.

"वो क्या?"

"वो हम..." She again hesitated but this hesitation didn't go well with me.

"वो क्या युवरानी पहले आप ऊपर देखिए, हमारी आंखों में आंखें डालकर कर बात करिए" I took a pause and looked at her but she didn't move her gaze from the ground.

"आप हमारी दासी नही हमारी अर्धांगिनी है, और किसी का पता नही हमे पर हमारी मां ने हमे ये संस्कार नहीं दिए की हमारे होते हुए हमारी पत्नी की किसके के भी सामने आंखें झुकें"

She finally moved her gaze and looked at me.

"हमारे सामने भी नही" I completed my sentence that was when I noticed tears in her eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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