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A New Morning,
A New Day,
A New Hope...

Finally Today was the auspicious occasion of Hiranya and Charanjit's wedding.

They were taking pheras round the sacred fire and Devangi was witnessing the moment standing in the very corner.

•✿The corner, The Place that reminded Her Place in Her Family, 'Her So-called Family'✿•

Pandit ji announced them as Husband-wife and they took his blessings.

Soon they touched every elders feet and took blessings but ignored Shashwat and Ashwari like they didn't even exist.

Shivaditya, a man of principles, It wasn't acceptable for him to see insult of the ones he saw as his parents.

But before he could say anything a voice came from behind.

"ये गलत है"

Devangi said coming infront.

"आप इस प्रकार सेनापति शाश्वत और अश्वरी जी का अपमान नहीं कर सकते"

She said and Maharaj's face turned red in anger.

"चुप हो जाओ देवांगी" He said.

"महाराज अक्षयराज ये किस प्रकार का व्यवहार कर रही है आपकी पुत्री" Maharaj Charuvrat said not able to listen a word against his son.

"माफ कीजिए महाराज" Maharaj Akshayraj said and ordered Devangi.

"देवांगी अभी महाराज से क्षमा मांगो"

"जब मैने कुछ गलत नहीं कहा तो मैं क्षमा भी नही मांगूंगी महाराज" Devangi replied fiercely.

Yuvraj Shivaditya was looking at the fierce princess who reminded him of his mother, a fierce queen.

"हमने कहा था ऐसे लोगों को मेरी पुत्री के विवाह में आमंत्रित करने की कोई जरूरत नही है जिन्हे संस्कार ही ना हो" Maharani Mohana taunted.

"राजकुमारी सही कह रही है" Yuvraj Shivaditya said in his authoritative voice.

"बस युवराज आप युवराज है तो मैं भी राजकुमार हुं और मेरे इतने भी बुरे दिन नही आए की मैं एक दासी के पुत्र के चरण छू" An egoistic Charanjit spoke.

"राजकुमार यदि वे दासी पुत्र भी फिर भी आपको कोई अधिकार नही है उनका अपमान करने का, वे आपसे बड़े है और अधिक समझदार भी, आप-"
Devangi was saying when Maharaj Charuvrat roared.

"महाराज अक्षयराज ये किस प्रकार आपकी पुत्री हमारे राजकुमार का अपमान कर रही है"

"क्षमा महाराज" Maharaj Akshayraj said with hands joined.

"देवांगी हम आखरी बार कह रहे हैं क्षमा मांगो"

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