Chapter 3

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" okay let's go shall we " I said with a bit of fake enthusiasm I was not to excited to go back but I was not so mad about it.

" So your daughter description please." I said while turning to face Mr. Smith my client.

" See I told you he was the best Mr. Smith." Dj expressed .

I gave him a small smile.

" Please call me Allan and uhm description well her parents are me and Apollo so she probably is in his cabin." He stated while scrunching his eyebrows as if thinking.

I then raised an eyebrow Apollo wow. I then looked at my client tall, lean slim but slightly built . He had aurburn hair and hazel eyes hmm. I thought to myself interesting.

" She looks mostly like me but a but like Apollo and that's basically it ." He said with a sad smile.

I gave him and nod.

" But you forgot one thing her name and what am giving her." I said with an understanding voice.

He chuckled slightly .

" Sorry I forget things sometimes. My daughter's name is Layla and I want you to give her this." He said while hanging me a necklace .

I nodded .

" Well I best be on my way , Allan I won't let you down dj I expect something when am back." I boomed .

They bother nodded.

" Oh and Percy please watch out for her she is very insecure and hates crowds and people." Allan yelled and I nodded .

A daughter of Apollo who is not a people pleaser that just be a first . So let the quest begin delivering something to a seven years old daughter of Apollo.

I smiled to myself this is going to be interesting.

Meanwhile on Olympus

Artemis appeared and drew and arrow hiting the ceiling and all the gods appeared .

" Daughter you summoned a council meeting" Zeus spoke .

And Artemis nodded and all the gods went quiet allowing Artemis rarely summons meetings if it is not a pressing issue. Even Mr.D was awake and silent .

Artemis told them of the cloaked man she encountered in the woods not knowing it was Percy that she spoke of . The gods were all in shock as they listened to her speak.

" We must find out more for now return the hunt to camp as we diverse a plan to capture this man and find out more ." Zeus boomed.

For once everyone was in agreement no one complained maybe as the thought of the chains Artemis explained the man pissed might have frightened them.

" Meeting dismissed and do not forget today is the day Percy disappeared making six months and as we agreed we shall be meeting at the camp to discuss." Zeus yelled then flashed out .

Everyone followed in suit not wasting time and making haste .

Back with Percy.

I flashed myself to the entrance of the camp. I took a deep breathe as I sighed glancing at Thalia's tree, if she saw me she would kill me lucky for me I left them in Northern California.

I said to myself with a small smile . I then looked at my attire . The chains wrapped around my hand each finger having a Chanin that went along it and ran up to the bracelet where they all conjoin. Well I can't have them seeing that.

I closed my eyes and focused my head on the image of a different shirt and this was still black but a but baggier. Lucky the chains conciled in plain sight making them selves look like jewellery that's a plus for me .

Well that's enough dilly dallying I thought to myself as I took a step into camp and then immediately decided against walking and flashed to the big house.

I appeared right behind Chiron who was talking to some campers and also I noted Nico, interesting.

" I can come back later if you all are to busy." I stated making my presence known and I released about of my aura not too much but just enough to make a statement.

Chiron and Nico immediately turned around and looked at me with shocked expressions.

" What no hi Percy welcome back after six months." I said whilst fkar pouting.

Nico threw himself at me whilst threatening me if I disappeared again like that he would kill me little did he know that when I finished my mission am gone.

" Ofcourse death breathe" I said quietly .

" My boy " Chiron said and I gave him a small smile .

Nico finally let go and I decided I need to go before everyone appears that will be too many questions.

" I have gone to rest a bit but I'll be out for lunch." I stated as I began walking towards the cabins.

Then I stopped but without turning I spoke , " oh and don't tell anyone am here yet."

I then proceeded as I walked girls oogled at me or my body I can't tell which one . I finally reached the front of the Posiedon cabin I entered without thinking twice and locked the door behind me. I won't look for the girl right now but I will after a nap.


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