Chapter 3: Flashbacks

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Nitro's POV

"HUH." Ash yelled, "Yeah yeah, I know it sounds crazy." "DUDE WHY WAS I NEVER INFORMED OF THIS?!" I'd scratched the back of my head nervously "She wanted to keep it quiet so everyone wouldn't be crawling over us and we could actually spend time together.." I looked up and saw Ash's face, he was shocked, "YOU HAVE TO TELL ME HOW YOU TWO STARTED DATING! ESPECIALLY NOW SINCE YOU BOTH HATE EACH OTHER!" I sighed, knowing there isn't much choice. I sat down and started from the beginning.


Nitro's POV

I was casually strolling through the forest after a long day of school. Anyway, I heard what sounded like some kind of animal yelping in pain. Me being a young Jolteon, I investigated it, finding an injured Sylveon with a fainted beedrill nearby, knowing there would be more. I ran to help the Sylveon, using thunderbolt, as it was the only move I knew well, on anything that looked like a threat. Soon after I arrived, the Sylveon looked up at me for a moment and fainted. That was when I turned around and saw that she fainted. I rolled her onto my back and started running off to get help somewhere where it was safe to put the Sylveon down. I eventually found help.

Back in present time in Nitro's POV

"I don't really remember who exactly saved us, I think it was a Vaporeon or Glaceon. It's all fuzzy now" I said "yawn... So you don't remember who helped you and Neon?" "Nope! I do know that they were nice and caring for Neon and I." "Anyway continue, I want to hear the rest of this. I'm actually kinda entertained right now." Ash said as I started to continue again

Back to the flashback

After getting help from whoever it was me and that Sylveon started talking "Are you ok?" I asked "Ye-yeah, all t-thanks to you!" She said happily. It was pretty obvious that she was blushing, but I didn't really mention it as I was only 13 and didn't know much about love. "S-so uhm, w-what's your name?" She asked "Oh yeah, my name is Nitro, and yours is?" I said with a gentle smile "It's N-Neon. N-nice to meet y-you Nitro." "Neon huh? I like that name!" She blushed a little harder, causing her to turn away. "Um, are you ok? Is it somethi-" She cut me off with a hug causing me to stumble back a bit while still maintaining my balance along with a slight blush. I stood there for a second before returning the hug. "T-thank you for saving me Nitrey~." I felt my face turn red after she called me 'Nitrey' "U-uhm, it's n-nothing too b-big Neon! I just d-did what was r-right!" We both eventually broke free of the hug, both heavily blushing. "S-so, would you like t-to m-meet up sometime again t-tomorrow?" I asked nervously. She jumped at the offer "Would I?! Absolutely!" "S-same time, same place?" "Yeah! I gotta run though.. I'll talk to you tomorrow Nitrey~!" And with that she ran off

Back to present times again in Torch's POV

"Woah... no wonder I didn't know that's how you both met!" I exclaimed. Nitro sighed "I'm going to bed.. I need some sleep." "WHAT." I screamed "Dude, I can just tell you another time. It's getting late and we have classes in the morning." He said "Boo, party pooper!" I replied. "I'll just tell you the rest of the damn story tomorrow about how me and Neon came to be for a few years." I sighed and got up from the couch, "Night then Nitro." I left to my room and quickly fell asleep.

-End of chapter-

Lore.. yeah.

Chapter words: 644
Date finished: August 30th, 2023
Time finished: 12:35 am

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