Chapter 4: Uneasy Ground

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Nitro's POV
After Ash left the couch, I just sat there, unsure of what to do next. I wasn't tired, just needed some kind of excuse for Ash to head to bed. I'd sigh when there was a knock at the door.

I went to answer it and saw the Espeon that was with Neon earlier. "What do you want?" I asked, not really being in the mood to meet someone new. "I know this is going to sound awkward but.. I just wanted to know how you were doing after what Neon did?" I sat there slightly confused when I suddenly spoke up, " So let me get this straight. You took the time to figure out my address just to ask if I was alright?" "I'm sure your friend, Torch was it? Knows who I am and you haven't moved since I've met him." I just stood there thinking, 'Is this one of those weirdo stalkers.' She sighed, "Me and Torch used to be friends, really good friends, but that was before he-" I cut her off, "Alright I get it, you and Torch were friends, but not anymore." "Mhm." I sighed, kinda getting drained from this conversation, "So all you wanted to know is if I'm good?" "Yep!" "Yeah I'm doing fine, it's not the first time Neon has done it." I stated.

I looked past the Espeon and noticed how dark it was. "You want to stay over for the night? It's already dark and I don't want you to get attacked." I asked just trying to be nice. "Um..." She sat there thinking of her choice, "Sure! I'm surprised I didn't attacked on the way here and I don't want to risk it. Thank you!" I invited her in, "Yeah, no problem." She walked and just looked at me, "So where am I going to sleep." I thought for a minute... or 5, "You could sleep in my room, I'll just sleep out here on the couch." "You sure? I don't want to intrude and kick you out of your room for tonight." She asked. "Yeah I'm sure, it's only for tonight anyway." She gave a gentle smile and I spoke out, "It's the room right down the hall and it's the first door to the left." She nodded and accidentally opened the first door on the right and saw Ash halfway off his bed making a small fire column as he slept. "That's the wrong left!" I said.

She stood in the doorway for a second before shutting it and when she looked away, she looked.. upset... for some reason. I watched her walk into my room and shut the door gently. "Weird..." I walked over to the counter and pulled a pen and sticky note from the drawer and wrote on it, 'One of your friends is staying over.' And walked into Ash's room and placed it directly onto his alarm clock before going to the living room and going to sleep on the couch.

The next morning in Torch's POV
I woke up to my alarm clock and quickly noticed a note from Nitro and read it. Quickly throwing on some clothes and walking out into the living room to see Nitro watching the news or something weather related 'Typical.' I thought. "Morning Nitro." "Mornin' Ash." He responded as I was moving to the kitchen that overlooked the living room.

"So who was that 'friend' that stayed ov-" I cut myself off when I saw who it was, Mystic... my stomach dropped, 'WHY IS SHE HERE?!' I thought to myself, angrily. "What do you want Myst." I said in a aggressive way. She sighed and smiled "I'm not here for you. I just need to ask your friend someth-" I cut her off, "Nahnahnahnah, I know you're here for any other reason, you wou-" Nitro yelled from the living room, startling us both, "I let her stay the night since it was dark and didn't want anyone to get hurt! Got it?!" "Loud and clear!" I responded quickly. 'Holy shit he can be scary, but that.. mental sigh... it's fine, I've dealt with her before calmly, I can do it now.' I looked at her and said, "I don't know exactly why you came here, but I don't want you to be here anymore! Surely you remember what you've done, because I sure as hell do."

I had a stern look on my face but that was when something pulled both my back legs and I quickly rolled over to see Nitro standing over me, "You done with your little hissy fit?" "Yeah, for now I guess.." I responded. "Myst was it?" I heard Nitro ask. "It's actually Mystic, but I don't mind being called Myst." "Mystic.. got it... but you should get going though since me and Ash here have to get ready for our classes." Mystic just nodded her head and started heading for the door. I was still on my back, so I slowly got up.

Once Mystic left Nitro spoke "You've got to tell me what happened between you two!" "Not until you finish what happened between you and Neon." I said. With that Nitro left for the bathroom and took a shower, 'He just left me alone with my thoughts... oh well, I'll just watch some TV.' I thought, but what I saw on the news channel shocked me. In big bold letters it read:


It suddenly made sense to me now, that's probably why he let her stay last night. Although I dislike her a lot, I kinda felt sorry for Mystic.. I shouldn't have talked to her like that...

Mystic's POV
"I don't know exactly why you came here, but I don't want you here anymore! Surely you remember what you've done, because I sure as hell do." Those words hurt... a lot more than they should've. Watching as the Jolteon came in behind him and pulled his back legs, causing him to fall and quickly roll over. "You done with your hissy fit?" Torch responded rather quickly, "Yeah, for now I guess.." After a short pause of Torch and the Jolteon staring at each other, he looked up at me, "Myst was it?" "It's actually Mystic but I don't mind being called Myst." I responded, "Mystic.. got it... but you should get going since me and Ash here have classes to get ready for." I didn't say anything else, just nodded and made my leave.

On the walk back home Torch's words echoed throughout my head, 'I don't want you here anymore!' I just couldn't think straight, I know what I did back then was messed up but I didn't know it would affect him like it is.. I just want to make it up to him, just to be friends again. Before I knew it, I was back home with Neon waiting for me in the living room.

-End of Chapter-

This could be bad for Mystic once Neon finds out where she was last night 🤫

Chapter info
Story words: 1164
Direct story chapter
Date finished: August 30th, 2023
Time finished: 9:36 pm

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