Information Part 1

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Roles of Characters: Note that this is likely to change or get updated, so please refer to this often.

Maru (Princess of the Mechanic Kingdom)
Sebastian (Prince of the Mechanic Kingdom)
Alex (Prince of the Alantic Kingdom)
Elliot (Prince of the Feather Kingdom)
Sam (Prince of the Sonata Kingdom)
Vincent (Prince of the Sonata Kingdom)
Izray (Farmer OC Princess of the Stardew Valley Kingdom)
Jodi (Queen of the Sonata Kingdom)
Kent (King of the Sonata Kingdom)
Robin (Queen of the Mechanic Kingdom)
Demetrius (King of the Mechanic Kingdom)
Morris (King of the Joja Kingdom)
Mason (Morris's son OC Prince of the Joja Kingdom)
Evelyn (Queen of the Alantic Kingdom)
George (King of the Alantic Kingdom)
Grandpa (Farmer's grandpa King of the Stardew Valley Kingdom)
Pam (The Sailor Queen of the Oceans mainly stops and lives at the Stardew Valley Kingdom)
Penny (The Sailor Princess of the Oceans mainly stops and lives at the Stardew Valley Kingdom)

Emily (Maid in the Stardew Valley Kingdom)
Haley (Maid in the Stardew Valley Kingdom)
Harvey (Traveling Doctor but lives in the Stardew Valley Kingdom)
Clint (Stardew Valley Kingdom Blacksmith)
Gus (The Traveling Chef but lives in the Sonata Kingdom)
Wizard Rasmodius (The Great Wizard resides in the Dark Forest near the Stardew Valley Kingdom)
Gunther (The Scribe, Librarian, and Artifact Keeper resides near the Dark Forest)
Marlon (Head General of the armies of Stardew Valley Kingdom)
Gil (Litenent of the armies of the Stardew Valley Kingdom)
Leah (Maid in the Stardew Valley Kingdom)

Village folk
Pierre (Storekeeper of the Stardew Valley Kingdom but will travel to other kingdoms for trades)
Caroline (The Towns Shoemaker and Tailor, has to keep busy while Pierre is out of town)
Abigail (Soldier in the Stardew Valley Kingdom Army, Flute Musician and Drummer of the Great Band)
Shane (Chicken Farmer of Stardew Valley Kingdom)
Marnie (Animal Farmer of Stardew Valley Kingdom)
Jas (Young Farmer girl of Stardew Valley Kingdom she is still learning)
Lewis (Mayor of the Town in the Stardew Valley Kingdom & Advisor to the King of Stardew Valley Kingdom)
Linus (The kind, wise, and old poor man of Stardew Valley Kingdom, lives in the mountains)

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