Chapter Nineteen

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The first part of the plan I was let in on was my own part. I was with Kaz when Nina came storming in, frantic, and obviously upset. She told us everything that Pekka had told her. That if she brought in Kaz he could get Nina's guy out of Hellgate.

'He's lying,' Kaz said. 'No one has the power to spring a prisoner from Hellgate. Not even Pekka.'

'His heart rate confirmed that,' Nina said, annoyed. 'But if I don't deliver, then... Look, he can make good on his promise to hurt Matthias.'

'Once Pekka's out of the way, I'll pay the guards to keep Matthias out of the fights. But I need you to do something for me and I need you to make it look real.'

Nina sighed. 'What?'

'Firepox is coming back,' Kaz said. 'In the form of a powder, Wylan is working on it as we speak. I didn't know a good way to get to Pekka in the Emerald Palace. But he'll be expecting you. You need to take me to him. Me and Natalia.'

'Like... pretend I betrayed you?' Nina asks.

'Why me?' I ask, crossing my arms.

Kaz glanced at me. 'Because I need you next to me. And Pekka will like the idea of getting you in front of me.'

I nod. 'So, Nina is kidnapping us. Got it.'


The plan started early in the morning. Kaz didn't share the entirety of the plan. We were on a step by step need to know basis. Inej and I had gotten back before Wylan and Jesper and we sat there, waiting.

'Have you noticed that Kaz keeps putting Wylan and Jesper together?' I wonder, messing with a dagger. 'They're cute.'

'Jesper and Wylan?' Inej said. 'Wylan is way too good for Jes.'

'Don't say that. Jesper is a great guy he just has some problems.'

'Wylan is sweet. Jesper is... Jes.'

'Damn,' I mumble.

Inej smiles. 'I didn't mean it like that.'

'I know. Still, though. They're cute.'

'I guess they are.'

When Wylan and Jesper finally get back I go to find Kaz. I found him sitting at a desk passively glaring out the window. He had a pen in his hands, flicking his fingers in a way that made the pen disappear from sight. I watched him for a second. It was rare that I was able to stand near Kaz and just stare. He was usually always aware of a presence, but right now he was clearly distracted. Kaz could never teach me sleight of hand. It was the one thing he would admit he failed. But, then again, he said I was unteachable and too sarcastic.

'Kaz?' Nothing. 'Kaz!' He startles and turns to me. 'Wylan's brought the compound. Jesper's helping load it in.'

'In a few hours, when the chips fall... it'll give me some comfort to know that you're with me by my side.'

'I wouldn't miss it,' I say, quietly.

Kaz stands up. His face grew solemn, and if he was anyone else, he would have already keeled over from the sheer stress of knowing what was coming.

'If the plan goes awry,' Kaz said, moving closer to me, 'promise me one thing. Get out of the city as fast as you can, find Sturmhond again, and never look back.'

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