Newt chuckled at the banter unfolding before him. He leaned closer to Madylin, "I'm not sure about you two being siblings, but one thing's for sure - you both share a talent for stressing out too much," he quipped with a warm smile, his brown eyes meeting Madylin's blue ones.

Nick flashed a crooked grin. "Hey, stress is our middle name," he declared confidently.

Gally, with his serious expression, softened with amusement as he chimed in. "If stress had a face, it would definitely be yours, Nick," he remarked with a chuckle, earning laughter from the group.

Madylin swayed slightly as the moonshine worked its magic, filling her veins with a warm, fuzzy glow. The night air seemed to shimmer around her, the stars and moon lighting the sky. As she weaved through the Glade's bustling crowd, her steps became lighter, her laughter more carefree.

She spotted Gally, Nick, and Alby sitting in a circle, deep in conversation. Without hesitation, she ran over to them and plopped herself down in the middle, much to their surprise.

"Hey, gentlemen! Brother-" Madylin eyed Nick with a smirk, her words slightly slurred from the moonshine. The three boys looked at her with a mixture of confusion and amusement. "Gally! Come dance with me!" the ginger girl chirped as she swayed on her feet. "I bet you'd be fun to dance with— with your muscular arms." she continued, giggling as she reached out to touch his arms. Nick chuckled in amusement while Alby gave Gally a playful smirk. Gally's brows shot up in surprise.

"You're a bit too tipsy for dancing, Mady," he remarked, trying to keep a straight face despite the hilarity of the situation.

"Oh, come on, Galpal! Lighten up!" Madylin pouted, her lower lip jutting out in a playful sulk. She was known for her spirited nature, but tonight the moonshine had amplified her antics to a whole new level.

Newt and Minho were engaged in a hushed conversation, their heads close together as they observed Madylin's antics with shared amusement.

"Come on, man. You can't deny that you have a bit of a crush on her," Minho teased, nudging Newt with a knowing smirk as they watched Madylin twirl around in a dizzying display of exuberance.

Newt rolled his eyes and shook his head. "You're delusional, Minho. She's just a friend. Besides- Half the bloody Glade has a crush on her." But as they watched Madylin interact with the other boys, Newt couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. He didn't want to admit it, even to himself, but he had developed feelings for the girl who had brought light and joy into their bleak existence in the Glade.

Before Newt could say anything else, the small ginger girl draped herself over Newt's back and shoulders with a giggle. "Hey, what are you guys talking about?" she slurred, her breath warm against Newt's ear.

Newt stumbled a bit, but quickly regained his balance. He couldn't help but feel a flutter in his stomach at the closeness between them. He swallowed nervously, exchanging a glance with Minho, who raised an eyebrow in silent amusement. "Uh, nothing important, Love. Just..."

"Just gossiping about you, love," Minho interjected smoothly, mocking Newt's nickname for the girl, earning a playful swat from Newt as Madylin's laughter filled the air once more.

"How much have you had to drink, love? You're a bit... all over the place," Newt remarked, changing the subject, as he tried to steer her towards a quieter spot away from prying eyes and Minho followed behind.

"Not enough!" She declared, her hand reaching out to tug at Newt's sleeve. "I wanna dance— Newt dance with me!" she whined, dragging the 'e', as she pouted.

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