twenty one

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A little smile curls up my lips, she looks so peaceful that her soft snores are the only sound inside the room. I can't help but stare.

Staring at her long lashes, and those fucking lips. The lips that make me debate every single life choice I've made.

I stare at her closed eyelids, where big blue eyes normally shine my way, that sparkle inside them somehow always managing to make me smile

She's so fucking beautiful it makes me physically unwell, gently, I tuck a strand of her loose curls behind her ear. Fucking hell, I could stare at her for hours just admiring her beauty. It's honestly annoying.

My gaze falls to her lips. My heart aches by just looking at them. A smile creeps up my lips, the same smile Evangeline always manages to make come through.

I stroke my hand against her cheek, her soft skin running under my fingers. Oh I can't take my eyes off of her exhausted face, the race really took it out of her, well maybe the boredom did.

Keeping up that smile would tire me out too.

Though it is only four thirty and if I don't wake her soon she's going to regret this nap entirely, "Eva... it's time to wake up." I whispered gently tracing circles on her arm hoping she'd awake to the movement.

"Mon Cheri I know you don't want to but you will regret it..." I kept trying as she began to stir, the familiar blue eyes gently awakening in my direction, "Hello there." I laughed as she pouted.

"Noooo." I sighed at the disappointment of the fact I had to be awake, my head was pounding from the sound of the cars all day and all I wanted to do was sleep, "Please let me sleep."

"Eva as much as I love that you are sleeping well now is now the time," he shook his head at me sternly "Get up, come on. Let's find bear."

"Aw Bear." I smiled thinking about my fluff ball with no common sense. Susannah says it's because his heads so small it makes sense that his brain is minuscule. I have however been researching puppy school and call me crazy but people say it works.

Charles joked, "Yeah let's go find our son."

"Carry me," I asked but more so begged as I held my arms out, "Thank youuu." I finished as he gently picked me up and we began the descent down the hellish stairs that poor bears little legs can't handle.

Who am I kidding, my legs can't handle them either.

"Susannah have you seen the dog?" I asked her as we entered the main dining room where people were setting up dinner for staff.

She couldn't help but laugh at us as she smiled "Um last I checked he was in the storage room, he took his bone - he's been pretty protective of it."

We thanked her and Charles began to run there with me in his arms causing a fit of laughter to erupt from my body, any security guard going past having a little chuckle at us, particularly Joe.

When we finally reached the storage room bear came running, bone in his mouth, "Oh we missed you!" I told him in my dog voice as I leaned down to play with him, Charles close behind.

And that's when I noticed.

The day they brought bear home we immediately went out looking for things to facilitate for him, beds, toys, food, a harness, a lead, a collar, even outfits which funnily enough were Charles' idea.

But his collar had something on it, which Charles must've noticed too as he pulled from the collar and held a small piece of paper in his hand, around the size of a post it note with some scruffy handwriting on it.

a honeymoon in rome sounds nice, shame you won't make it till then.

My heart dropped, I can no longer see as my vision gets blurry.
I can't hear him talking to me and I can't speak.
I start shaking and sweating.
I can hear my heart beating faster and faster.
I try to focus.

Five things I can see
Four things I can touch
Three things I can hear

But I can barely hear clear or see straight, it feels like it's going to be my last breath I take with each second. I try to calm myself down but it's too much, I feel it all at once, "Hey hey, someone get her water!"

Gasping for air I clutch at my heart, a scuba diver underwater with improper gear the oxygen tank slowly decreasing and I'm suddenly drowning. 20 metres under. 20 threats dragging me down as I try to swim up, "Eva you're okay, okay look at me. You're okay I'm here with you." He spoke softly his hand stroking me

My hands continued to shake as I stare to the floor, I tried to get up to shut the door, people flooding into the room. The noises around me keep fading in and out of a blur and all my emotions stir.

A thousand knifes stabbing at my chest and nothing is making any sense, "Give her some space." Charles was ordering people, I didn't know what the hell was going on around me until I screwed my eyes shut and waited for my breath to sync with my heart.

"There we go, Eva drink some of this okay?" Charles stroked my back passing me a water bottle that somebody must have gotten for me.

I sipped on it generously as I took in my surroundings, housekeepers and security guards all around us. The news of this note must have travelled quick, what's more concerning however was when Charles confirmed my worst fear "Look it must have been an inside job, nobody has been in here all day and nobody else knows about a potential wedding or honey moon."

"Not apart from me you and susannah no.." I reply my heart hurting, threats from unknown numbers are one thing. But when it's happening in the place that you're supposed to be safest well that's different.

I whispered to Charles, "I'm scared now.." but I think he got that message when my body decided to have a fucking panic attack.

But Charles always had a plan.

Even if I didn't like said plan.

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