SPECIAL 5 - I'll Take You to Loi Krathong

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Whenever I think of November, I always think of a famous Thai festival that is inherited from the old days and usually takes place on the full moon day of the twelfth lunar month, which is...

"P'King, do you have anyone to hang out with on Loi Krathong Day?"

I was working on the layout of a new banner for our company's website when Gun started the conversation. King looked at the screen full of code that looked like an alien language and replied, "What? If I don't have someone, will you volunteer?"

"I was just curious, man."

"Nosy is the best way to put it."

"Yes, right. So? I imagine you definitely have a date." the messy-haired boy said.

"None this year. I'm looking for one now." King made a twenty-year-old best friend like me confused.

Since high school, King had never missed an appointment on days like this. Valentine's Day, Loi Krathong, Songkran, whatever the damn thing: he always went out with his little girl. But was he looking for one this year?

I'm pretty sure he's joking.

"Do you want to come with me, King?" Fai asked and winked at King who had claimed the throne as the hottest single in our office, only because my boyfriend was no longer there.

"I do not believe. Loi Krathong is always crowded - you might hurt your knees and you might faint. I mean, you're getting old." King immediately denied it with a snarky response.

"You're only worried about me, right? Are you sure you're not insulting me?"

"Not at all. You're thinking too much. I respect you and care about you a lot." he said in a soft voice. When he saw that he wasn't angry at him, he raised his eyebrows at Gun.

"Big Sis, King just smirked!" I told her.


"Jade has vision problems. I didn't smile or do anything." my best friend said softly. He came over to my desk and slapped my head. I looked at him angrily as I fixed my hair.

"Don't be nosy. Are you done with your work? You can't stay for overtime today. Mai is waiting."

"I know. I'm almost done now."

I saved the file carefully. I believed that almost everyone had work that was almost finished that they forgot to save and had to redo from the beginning.

I won't let that happen to me today!

"Very well. So where will your husband take you to float the krathong?" King asked.

I showed him a review of the place on my phone.


The last time I had gone to the Loi Krathong festival was probably when I was a fourth year student. This meant that I hadn't been to the so-called couples festival for almost five or six years. King and Uea were always hanging out with their exes and it would have been too lonely for me to go alone, so I stayed home.

But now that I had someone to come with me. I was quite excited. After watching lovebirds for so many years, I finally got to join the river goddess worship ceremony with my boyfriend.

Jade's time has come!

Mai had let me choose where I wanted to go, so I had looked at reviews on the Internet. I had decided to go to a university that was located in the center of Bangkok and welcomed strangers to join the festival every year. Transportation was also convenient as there was an elevated train station nearby. Plus, there were lots of vendors, activities, contests, and food.

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