Chapter 3 - What a Thoughtful Boy

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Seconds earlier, when King had told me to have Mai drive me home every day, I had even thought about condemning him for being too selfish. I mean, I was an adult, how could I take advantage of a kid who didn't even have a job. But when I saw his car, I realized that I had to worry about myself first.

"Is this your car?"

"Yes. Please go ahead." Never opened the car.

I looked back and forth between the boy and his black BMW, the model of which I didn't know. What I knew was that I could never afford it in this life or any other.

I was just so stupid. From the looks of him, I should have known that this guy came from a rich family. Of course, his pocket money was probably more than my salary. Why am I thoughtful then?

I sighed and approached the car, thinking that maybe it was for the best. Knowing that this guy had enough money for gas, I could ask him for a ride home without feeling guilty. Towards the end of each month, I always feel like it's the end of my life when my money starts to run out. So please feel sorry for a poor employee like me, boy. On a mentor's salary, though I barely have to teach you anything.

"But what a beautiful car." I said as I sat down in the front seat and closed the door gently and carefully. My salary was quite low, it wasn't even enough to have a cheap car, let alone an expensive one. I had to be absolutely careful not to damage that machine.

"The door isn't fully closed, P'Jade."

Okay, I'll be a little harsher.

I closed it again and fastened my seatbelt. I stood upright with a stiff posture, staring ahead, as Mai started the engine before driving through chaotic Bangkok traffic after office hours.

"Do you want some music?" he asked.

I nodded. Soon the music began to play softly. After looking at a luxurious car with an even more expensive interior, I couldn't help but ask him a few questions.

"Is it your property?"

"No, it's my brother's. He lent it to me."

This stresses me out even more. Jade, you can't touch anything here!

"How many brothers do you have?"

"There are only two of us, me and my brother. And you?"

"Three. I have an older brother and a younger sister."

"It must be very beautiful. I always wanted a younger brother. How old are they?"

"Jet is almost thirty years old. He got married last year. Jan is twenty-five, the unfortunate age for Thais. You know how they say that people in their twenties are always unlucky?"

"Yes, I heard it. But it's good that your siblings' age gap isn't too big. My brother and I are ten years apart."

The conversation with Mai lasted as long as the traffic queue in Bangkok. I found that this guy was easy to chat with even though we had just met. He always smiled and knew what to talk about. Furthermore, he seemed to be interested in every topic I proposed. Well, I'm a talkative guy, so I talk non-stop. I felt like, after getting on the highway, Mai knew more about me than my colleagues who I had worked with for four years.

This guy's conversational skill is quite special. He must be good at flirting with girls. I can't believe he doesn't have one.

"Mai, can you be honest with me? Don't you really have a girlfriend?" I asked as soon as we stopped at the red light.

"No I'm single." he replied. He probably noticed that I was acting like I didn't believe him, so he chuckled. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Well, who the hell believes that? You are handsome and have a nice car. Are all the people at your university blind? Or did you just break up with your ex?"

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