i. I threw a bully across the garden

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enough for you
by Olivia Rodrigo


A small booming laughter could be heard in the halls of the Long Island orphanage. The  echoing of the laughter was even recognized by Micah. A fifteen year old boy who was locked in his room almost all the time.

From day to night his blinds were closed making the room look always dark. But this didn't bother the teen as he found comfort in the darkness.

His only source of light was a little lamp on his nightstand which he used when he was reading the one single book he had. The mythology of Greek gods.

The book was his life.

It was the something that brought him joy everyday. He found himself being thrown into a whole different reality as he read every page again and again.

Micah didn't have any friends. He never felt a need for them. Even when he was sometimes feeling lonely.

The reason of his stay in his room wasn't only the lack of friends but also the fact that he could see sometimes things that didn't make any sense.

Like the table in dinning room turning into a giant snake with two glowing yellow eyes. Or some worse scenarios.

Micah thought he was going crazy but he managed to live with these strange things as he hasn't seen them occur so often because of the dark room he was spending most of his time in.

Aside from that the one and only person talking to him was Ms Taylor. She was a lovely sixty year old woman who smiled brightly at all the children in orphanage.

She always disscused with him the stories he read in his book and it became a habit when she gave him a fun pop quiz. And when he answered correctly she let him spend some time in the garden to which not many had the access including Micah.

But that was the secrect between the two of them. Ms Taylor knew how much the boy liked flowers and how they were as good companions as the shadows and darkness in his room.

She knew this was the only thing that could be described as a reward to Micah. So she let him.

But deep down she was preparing herself for the day the boy will need to leave for his next adventure and she would make sure to keep him safe and sound till he receives someone else to do it for her.

Oh how much she loved the boy as her own.

"So tell me Micah...Who were the three Greek god brothers?" Ms Taylor asked at their next day together. She started of with some easy questions as she remembered his forgetfulness in names and topics.

𝙼𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚊𝚐𝚎𝚜 𝚁𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚍 𝙱𝚢 𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜 (Luke Castellan)Where stories live. Discover now