Chapter 12

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I hope she's okay...What did that paper say?

Tyler walked up to the bathroom and stuck his ear to the door to hear any sounds she would make. The sound of distant cries came from the inside. He tried to turn the knob on the door but it was locked. "Lauren open the door, please," Tyler quietly asked her. "Go away," she sobbed. I can't, how could I? Now all I ever want to do is protect her. How could someone hurt such a precious soul? "Just let me in," he repeated. "Why!" She yelled out. "Please quiet down, they're going to hear us and come up here," Tyler added. He quickly turned his head toward the stairs when he heard creaking footsteps get closer. Alana's silhouette came up onto the second floor. "Is everything okay with Laur?" She asked concerned. "Yes, she will be okay. I'm just trying to talk things out with her. Sorry," he explained. Alana nodded and gave a friendly wink to him before going back downstairs to Chris. When he walked back over to the bathroom the door was slightly open. Thank you, Lauren. Lauren sat on the bathroom floor leaning against the bathtub holding a roll of toilet paper. The dim light of the room gave it a soft look, but the area where Lauren sat looked dense and dark. The smell of candy cane from the air freshener soaked the room as he walked further in. "Jeez this is a huge bathroom," Tyler announced. A little chuckle came from Lauren and then more sobs approached next. "Hey, hey, it's going to be alright. Could you tell me what got you upset all of a sudden?" He asked as he sat next to her on the bathroom mat. She didn't say a word but she handed over the piece of paper and snuggled her head into her knees again. What. Who would write such a thing? Nathan? Elijah? No, I don't know. Our main lead is Nathan right now. No one else we have interviewed has been more obvious and suspicious. "That d***-head, I'm going to kill him," Tyler growled as he crumpled the paper in his fist. "Stop, we shouldn't talk like that," Lauren spoke out in a sniffle. Conviction started to grow within him. Anger is not the answer Tyler, snap out of it. "I'm sorry but whoever wrote this needs to be dealt with," he explained waving the paper around. "It's not our job to 'deal' with someone, we just need to find who took Fay and put them away. Okay?" Lauren said. She's right but how could she not feel this brewing anger? I feel it in my heart, my head, everywhere. As Tyler was in his deep thinking drift, Lauren placed her hands on his leg and started to pray over them. "Prayer is the most powerful thing we can do, I thought about getting angry but it will just make this worse," she said closing her eyes and bowing her head. All of a sudden an unexpected peace rose within him, "whoa" he gasped. Lauren looked up at him and smiled. "Everything is okay. Who cares about some stupid note," Lauren added. "You were crying about it Lauren, you must've been a bit angry?" He asked. "Oh I was, I was so mad and upset. This stupid note got a hold of me for a minute, but not anymore. I've thought about it and this could be something that the kidnapper sent!" She replied. "Okay, I'm not going to argue with you that what we're doing is unsafe. I will help you, only because I really care for you, Truthfully I didn't expect to get this attached to you when we first met," Tyler said as he flipped his hand so Lauren could see his free palm. Please take it, I need to know that you see something in us. Why am I so afraid to lose you when you're not even mine? "Let's get out of here," she announced using her hands to pull herself up and wiping her red eyes after. Alright then...

That was nice how he comforted me, I know he sees something between us and so do I. I saw his hand desiring for me to intertwine with it, I was not ready for that. I already told him that we can talk about things when we are done with this investigation, it will be hard to resist those beautiful green eyes that mesmerize me every time, but I need to. I will trust in Jesus to help me have the strength to make the right decisions.

"Hey Laur, are you okay?" Alana asked as Tyler and Lauren walked into the kitchen. "Yeah I'll be fine," she replied trying to smile. I'm not, but it's okay, I just don't want you to worry. Thank goodness she didn't look at that note. "I actually came here to pick up my bags, I will be living with Tyler until I go back to school," Lauren explained pointing her thumb to Tyler. "Yep!" Tyler exclaimed. "Oh! Okay, make sure you don't forget anything. I wouldn't mind if you had to come back and get it though!" She exclaimed. Lauren nodded and headed out into the living room to pack her bag. "Tyler?" She said folding her pajamas. "Yes?" He replied. "Go to the washroom and clean that thing we found, I really wanna know what it is," Lauren directed him. "Yes sir," he said firmly with his hand on his forehead. Lauren laughed as she finished packing up her pajamas. "Gotta go faster than this," Lauren whispered to herself. Alana walked out of the kitchen and into the living room carrying two mugs of hot chocolate. "Made this for you, just how you like it," she smiled putting one of them on the coffee table. "Thank you so much, I'm sorry for disrupting your home for a couple of days," Lauren said turning towards Alana. "Oh it's really no problem, I love having you over!" She exclaimed sitting down on the couch. "Would you and Tyler like to spend the night here, Chris and I don't mind. I wouldn't want you guys driving in weather like this," Alana explained. "What do you mean?" Lauren wondered. "Look outside, it just started half an hour ago," she smiled and pointed to the large window covered in a thick dark brown curtain. Lauren slid the curtain aside and a huge blizzard stormed the outside of the house like the antagonist circling the protagonist. "Yeah, if you don't mind, we would like to stay over just for today. Tyler already has his snow tires for in the morning," Lauren explained grabbing the mug of hot chocolate from the coffee table.

"Lauren! You need to see this right now!" A voice shouted from the upstairs bathroom. The thing! "Coming!" She yelled back. Lauren thanked Alana again and ran up the stairs into the main hall. As she ran to the bathroom her feet slid across the dark wood floor. "What is it Tyler!" She shouted. Tyler turned around from the sink and revealed the object inside of his hand. No way. No freaking way. "HOW?" Lauren yelled in confusion. "I have no idea, this is so crazy," Tyler exclaimed analyzing it more in his hand. The pink watch. Is it the one the police asked for that they never found? "If this is the watch Elijah talked about then it means we have more of a lead. We can use this to make Nathan talk!" Lauren squealed in excitement. "Yes exactly! This wasn't a coincidence, God put this into our lives. This makes our investigation so much easier," he exclaimed. Lauren and Tyler high-fived each other and laughed at the amazing watch that they found that could change the way they interview Nathan, their main lead in this whole Fay case. "Let me look up the picture Elijah sent me of what the watch looked like that the police showed him. He said that it has a bit of a hole near the clock, do you see one?" Lauren asked impatiently. Tyler's smiled slowly turned into a frown. "No, stop," she panicked. "Kidding! It's the one!" He exclaimed with a huge smile. "You should not have tricked me...BUT THIS IS AMAZING!" She screamed in excitement. Without noticing Lauren's body was on his and her arms over his neck. "Oh sorry," she apologized pulling away. Right as Tyler noticed she was pulling away from him her took her by the waist and pulled her onto him again. "Just stay like this for a little bit longer," he said calmly. Butterflies crawled up from that mysterious pit inside of Lauren and spiked ever inch of her stomach.

"Do you think Sabrina could have done it?" Tyler asked, tapping the pen on the notebook with all the suspect's names written down. Tyler and Lauren were alone in the living room laying on the pull out couch. It was late and dark in the room with only a lamp lighting up their faces. "I mean she would have a reason to because of how she treated Fay before, but she honestly looked sorry about what she did to her before, plus we don't have a good lead on her with evidence. So no I don't think she could have done it," Lauren explained lifting the duvet over them. "Elijah?" Tyler read aloud the next suspect. "No, he was devastated about Fay's disappearance, but he did give drugs to Nathan, who was Fay's enemy, so I'm not sure," Lauren said. "Okay then maybe for him," Tyler repeated writing it down next to his name. Tyler slid his finger down to the next name, "Jacob?" Tyler said with a slight laugh after. "No. Although he saw Fay near that bar, he didn't say or do anything to help her," Lauren added. "Do you think he just said that and did take her?" Tyler asked. "Someone definitely would have seen," she replied. "Okay then a definite no," he stated writing no next to his name. "Now Nathan," Tyler quietly said looking at Lauren. Her face was in frustration and irritation. "No need to even ask, we even have notes from him, these other people are just in case, I am positive it's him," Lauren ranted. "I agree, he's next up for the interviews as well. When do you want to go over?" He asked. "Tomorrow, I don't wanna waste another day," Lauren said directly. Tyler nodded and handed Lauren the notebook.





"Thanks, you're a big help Tyler," Lauren expressed as she moved onto the far side of the pull-out couch. "No problem Laur," he answered. Lauren quickly turned to face him in frustration which turned into a smile. You know what, he can call me that now, we've been through so much together I can't get mad at him for this. Lauren let out a quiet laugh and leaned over to turn off the lamp.

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