Chapter 11

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November 12, 2010

The wind blew past the car as Tyler and Lauren drove out of the Hospital parking lot. Her arm was better than it was before, but she still had bandages wrapped around the bigger wounds that might get infected with any touch or bacteria. "So I was thinking that we could go back to where I crashed and see if there would be anything that we could use. You never know, it could've been someone that is involved with Fay that wanted me hurt," she explained as she grabbed her phone out of her bag. "Lauren, don't you think this is getting a bit dangerous? I mean you almost got killed, and maybe on purpose?! Isn't that terrifying to you?" He asked looking over at her. Lauren shrugged her shoulders, she was typing on her phone, and looking for Fay was something she needed to do, no matter what danger she could get into. "Oh, by the way, I need to tell you what I did before I got into the car crash," Lauren said putting her phone on her lap. "What is it?" Tyler asked as he tapped the steering wheel. "So while I was at work I interviewed Sabrina. She was irritated with me interviewing her but she was also cooperative. I have all of her things on the document I made on the laptop, which Is totally wrecked now," she explained. "How are we going to get it back then?" Tyler said cutting her off. "Well if you would let me continue," Lauren sassed back to him. "The documents are saved to my drive which I can access on any technology, such as my phone," she continued lifting her phone to show him. "Perfect," he smiled. "Lemme tell you the basics of what she told me," she exclaimed.

Lauren's car was gone, the towing company called her beforehand to tell her that the car was at their shop. The road was silent, the only noise in the area was the chirping birds and the heavy wind blowing towards them. "So, do you remember what happened?" Lauren asked as she stepped out of the parked car. "Yeah I do, but if I'm gonna be honest, it was hard to focus on anything but you," he replied looking down at Lauren. Her winter hat was tucked onto her head and the remaining hair that stuck out blew back in the direction of the wind. The air was cold against their skin, causing Lauren to tuck her hands into her jacket pocket. "I remember getting out of my car and seeing you crash into the ditch over there. I saw a woman standing in the middle of the road while I was running to see if you were okay," Tyler said as they walked over to the left side of the road. "Did you see who it was?" Lauren asked. "No I didn't see her full face in detail but I could see her eyes, she looked like she was proud of what she did, and then she saw me," he replied. "What did she do when she saw you?" Lauren wondered, she wanted to know more and more. "So basically, when she saw me, her eyes widened like she knew who I was, and then quickly ran away," he explained pointing over to the bush where she ran through. "I don't know anyone except you in this city so it was weird seeing that look from someone," he continued. "Let's look," Lauren spoke out already walking over the road to get to the bush. "She must've known how to get away, this had to be planned. That means someone was trying to get me...hurt," Lauren shivered in her warm jacket.

"Lauren I think we need to stop and start thinking about your safety. You almost got killed, on purpose!" Tyler shouted again at Lauren, he feared she would get hurt, or even worse. She was mumbling to herself, different whispered words came rolling out of her mouth as she stared into the forest in front of them. "What if Nathan paid this person to try and hurt me so I keep silent? That would mean that they know we're getting close to finding out who it is!" Lauren cheered knowing that she was getting closer to finding who took Fay. "Lauren, you're not seeing how this could kill you?" He protested taking Lauren by the shoulders. His eyes were sincere. He must really care about me, that look in his eyes reminds me of the look Fay gave me when she found out her mom died, she just wanted her to be alive and safe. "I know you don't want me to be in danger, but this is serious Tyler, we don't have much time anyway. So please just help me, I need your help," Lauren explained trying to persuade Tyler. He paused for a minute looking into her eyes, contemplating if he should help her or not. Tyler sucked his teeth and looked over to the forest beside them where the woman ran into. "Fine," he sighed not looking back at her. "Yes! Thank you," She exclaimed putting her hand up for a high five. Tyler ignored her hand, "I think we should start looking in the forest to see if we can find anything useful," he explained moving the tree's branch out of the way so they could walk into the deep and uninviting forest. "How do we know where it leads to?" Lauren asked as they walked a bit further in. "We will use this," he stated putting up his phone to show her the map icon.

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