Chapter 10

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Tyler quickly got out of his car and as he closed the door behind him, he heard a screech come from a car. He looked at Lauren's car and saw it flip sideways into the ditch. What is she doing?! Tyler grabbed his phone from his pocket and called for the closest and quickest ambulance, they would be far since the closest police station is 20 minutes away from them. Putting his phone back into his pocket he ran as fast as he could towards the crashed car, seeing the dark smoke coming from the car gave him more of a push to get there faster. As he was focused on the car a person came into his view standing on the right side of the road. "Who are you!" He yelled out to them. The person looked back from the crashed car toward Tyler, it was a woman. He started to slow down as he got closer to her. When he was five feet away from the woman, about to see who it was, she ran off into the forest. "Hey! Come back," Tyler screamed at her but it was too late, she was already gone.

He got to Lauren's car, his breath was heavy but that wasn't stopping him from helping Lauren. Tyler looked through the window that was facing the light blue sky and jumped up onto the side of the car Lauren wasn't on. "Lauren!" Tyler called out as he saw her at the bottom of the car with the shattered window below her. "No, no, God please, no," Tyler whispered. He climbed through the open window placing his right foot onto the top of the driver's seat to prop himself up. The dark smoke caught his breath and his throat tightened making him cough continuously. He laid his other foot onto the seat next to her and crouched down to her body. She can't be dead, not like this, please. "Lauren! Please wake up, I need you!" Tyler yelled as he clapped in her face to see if she would react. Lauren didn't move. That woman better not have caused this. He used all of his strength to lift her up from underneath her shoulders off of the window. Blood dripped from her arms down to her hands as he pulled her up and out of the window stomach first. He then climbed out after her using his upper arm muscles to pull himself out.

Lauren lay on the side of the car unconscious, her blonde hair messy and her tank top ripped at the bottom while being soaked in blood. Tyler jumped off the car and slipped his hands under Lauren's body lifting her onto the side of the road where no cars could get in their way, not that there were any cars on this narrow road. Come on Lauren stay with me! Lord, please let her live. He took off his shirt about to wrap it around her arm when he realized that she had medium-sized shards of glass injected into her soft pale skin. Crap, I shouldn't take those out just in case she bleeds more. He quickly shifted over to where her face was and lowered his head to check if she was breathing. The faint brush of breath flew onto his cheek. Oh thank you Jesus, she is definitely breathing! Please let the ambulance come soon.

As he was waiting for the ambulance to come he would check her breath every couple of seconds to see if she was still breathing properly. Lauren, why did you have to go and do this, after that note, how can I not help you? Just as he was about to check her breathing again the sound of sirens caught his attention. The ambulance. Tyler stood up from sitting on his knees for ten minutes and jumped up and down to get their attention.

Three men and two women came out from the back of the ambulance with a stretcher. The sounds of officers speaking through radios and the paramedics talking to each other made the quiet road louder than Tyler had ever heard before. Lauren was lifted onto the stretcher as the paramedics tried talking with her. I couldn't do anything to help, I'm sorry Lauren. "Hey sir, are you okay?" Someone spoke beside him. Tyler blinked his eyes and turned his head to the officer. "Pardon?" Tyler replied. "I just asked if you were okay. Were you in the accident with her?" The officer asked. "No," he responded vaguely looking back at the bloodied spot where Lauren had laid. The officer sighed, "Look, sir, my name is Officer Adam. We need a little bit of information from you, would you like to follow us to the hospital?" He questioned not wanting an answer other than yes. "Why haven't you started driving to the hospital already?" Tyler asked ignoring his question from before. "They are doing as much as they can to stop the bleeding for now as well as getting her ready for the drive. Please come to the hospital on Tree Street, we will be there as soon as possible" Adam replied sincerely. Tyler nodded back to him and watched as Adam and the other officers who were looking around the scene climbed into the ambulance to get ready to leave.

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