Sister!Meredith Grey x Reader

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Y/n's POV

Leaning against the nurses station I watch Richard come back into the hospital and shake my head as I walk over to him, grab his arm and pull him back out of the hospital. Feeling him take his arm back I look at him over my glasses making him sigh as he follows me and after a while he pulls me into his side when I shiver slightly. "Where are we going and don't you have surgeries to attend to?" He asks as we walk and I look up at him with a smirk before guiding him through a hidden gate to a spot that overlooks the city.

"You don't want to go home then fine, I get it Richard I really do, but you can't spend every hour you have at the hospital. It's not healthy and you're going to end up making yourself sick." I tell him as I walk over to the little shed and grab out two lounge chairs before turning to look at him with a soft smile. "So I figured that while you can't stay at the hospital this can be a safe place for you. Only me, Meredith and mum knew about this place, it's my last real link to her outside of Mer." I say as I set up the chairs and he stops me by taking my hand making me look at him.

"How did you and Meredith do it with Ellis?" He asks me and I look down at that while shaking my head. "How did you deal with her not knowing who you were? When she looked right through you like you weren't even there?" He asks quietly as we sit down and I sigh as I look over at him.

"I'm guessing Adele's getting worse than you've been letting on to everyone." I say and he nods with a sad smile. Squeezing his hand I look out over the city with a sigh before looking back at him with a small chuckle. "She knows who you are, deep down she'll always know who you are to her and what you mean to her. That's one thing I realised with mum, even on her worst day mum knew who we were because we were her babies and Adele knows who you are deep down because you are the love of her life. You're the man that she fought mum for and she's the woman who you stayed with when mum asked you to leave with her." I tell him and he looks at me shocked.

"You remember that?" He asks and I nod with a chuckle making him laugh as well. "She's falling in love with someone else and it's killing me."

"I'm ten years older than Meredith and had two watch two idiots hurt my mum time and time again, of course I remember Richard. Plus... she thought that I was mum when I went to see her last week and slapped me while screaming that she wanted her husband back. I'll tell you something your wife has some power behind her when she wants to and I sort of feel glad she never managed to get her hands on mum. She didn't stand a chance in a physical fight." I tell him and he smiles at that before looking at me apologetically. "Oh don't look at me like that I understand why you're smiling, I really do. It's the little things like that, that get you through everything. I remember, one time that I went to visit mum I walked in while she was talking to a nurse about her little girls. She thought that we were in Boston and she was getting a checkup, she was going on about something Mer had achieved in school and the pride on her face as she boasted about how amazing her kids were broke my heart and by the time the nurse left her room I was being comforted by one of the doctors as I sat on the floor crying my heart out. So trust me, I understand why you're smiling and I understand the hope that fills you so please don't apologise Richard." I say as I squeeze his hand making him relax into the lounge chair.

"How'd you find this place?" He asks after a while of just sitting in silence and I look over at him again before looking back out at the view and have to blink a few times to stop myself from crying. Getting up from my chair I walk over to the little wall and lean on it with a sigh, leaning my head on Richard's arm when he moves to stand beside me and he wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"Mum found this place after a surgery went wrong and she couldn't go home because dad was there and they were fighting again, they were always fighting and it often felt like she'd never come home. It became her safe place and I can't remember how or why but she ended up bringing me and Mer here with her, actually it's where Meredith took her first steps. I had seen her come home after a lot of successful surgeries and being with you and she had never looked so happy as when Mer took those first unaided steps towards her." I tell him with tears in my eyes and he tightens his arm around me, pulling me closer to his side making me sob slightly as I shake my head. "I come here to feel closer to her when things get overwhelming, it makes me feel closer to her and gives me a sense of peace. It's stupid but I feel like she's here, whenever I come here I feel like a piece of her's still here with me."

"Especially on days like today." Meredith says from behind us and I turn to see her with a teary faced Zola on her hip. Holding my hand out for her she walks over with a smile as Zola reaches out for me and I stand up from Richard's side to take her making Meredith grin at me. "I knew that I'd find you here. You always come here when you need to feel closer to mum, even before the alzheimers and she died."

"What's today?" Richard asks as I bounce the upset girl on my hip and I look at him with tears on my cheeks.

"Today's mum's birthday, or it would have been anyway. I filled my entire day with surgeries to try and distract myself but Mark sort of caught onto what I was doing and rescheduled them or assigned them to other people. Him and Addison are up my backside trying to make sure that I'm okay and I'm so close to dumping one of them and punchingthe other. That's why I was at the nurses station killing time and that's why I was able to pull you out of the hospital without having to worry about any surgeries." I tell him with a sigh before looking at Meredith with a smile. "Want to see if she's just like her mummy and will take her first steps here? I swear mum tried to get you to walk everywhere she could, even in the OR, and she put you down for two seconds while I was running around like an idiot and then you were up and off." I ask and she grins at me with a nod.

"Wait! Let me set up my phone, I want to capture this moment for Derek to see when we get home. He will kill us if we don't." She exclaims as I go to put Zola down and quickly stop making the little girl giggle in my arms. "Okay! We're ready, come on Zola. Come to mummy!" She says as I set the little girl down on her feet and she starts walking with her hand wrapped around my finger loosely making me smile as I carefully start to pull away from her without the little girl knowing. Watching with a proud smile as she walks over to her mummy on unsteady feet I look at Richard and pause for a moment because I swear that I see mum standing there looking proud of us but as soon as I blink she's gone and it's back to just being the three of us once again. "Y/n? You okay? You've been staring at the space beside Webber for five minutes." Meredith asks and I nod with a small smile as I look at her making her raise an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah, I'm... I'm fine Mer. Just thinking about how proud mum would be of you right now." I tell her with a chuckle at my own stupidity and she looks at me confused before pressing her hand against my forehead making me bat her away. "I'm fine! I promise, I was just lost in thought and could have sworn that... nothing I'm letting my mind play tricks on me that's all." I say and look at her pointedly making her nod with a smile as my phone rings. Pulling it out of my pocket I groan when I see that it's Mark and answer it with a chuckle as I move away from everyone. "Hey, what's up?"

"Addison's going out of her mind trying to find you and we're both worried about you. Where are you?" He rushes out and I sigh at that.

"Okay stop! I need you both to stop and I know that she's right beside you so please put the phone on speaker phone for me." I tell him and he sighs as he does so judging by the background noise I can hear. "Addie I know that you're worried about me, that you both are but you guys need to stop. This isn't the first birthday since she died and it won't be the last, yes this year has been... crazy but I'm fine." I say and I can hear Addison groan making me smile slightly. "I'm at the secret garden mum used to take me and Mer to Addie. If you want to join us leave the hospital and walk ten minutes down the road and stop outside the rusty gate that nobody pays much attention to. All you need to do is lift it slightly before pushing it open, just be careful because there are thorns on the shrubs and last time I cut myself on them I needed stitches along with a lecture about being careful."

"Let me guess, Ellis Grey lecture?" She asks with a laugh and I shake my head as I look over at where Richard is looking out over the city at the broken.

"No, it was a richard Webber lecture and let me tell you those were worse than mum's if you can believe that." I tell her with a chuckle and she laughs on the other end. "I'll see you two and Derek soon." I add before haning up and watch my little family together with a smile that only grows when arms wrap around my waist while the two men move over to the wall.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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