Brother!Mark Sloan x Reader

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A/n: Sad, very sad. Tissues are advised.

Y/n's POV

Sitting beside my brother's bed I grip his hand tighter as the time draws closer to taking Mark off of life support. Letting go of his hand I move to lie on the bed with him cuddling into his chest I listen to his heart beating slowly and bury my face into his neck trying no to cry. "Come on Mark, you have to wake up withing the next half hour. You have to, you promised me you wouldn't leave me again Mark so you have to wake up. If not for me then for that little girl who needs her daddy, please don't do this to any of us." I plead into his neck and feel a hand rest on my back while someone sighs behind me. "We're all here Mark. Derek, Callie, Arizona, you name it they're here. They're all here for you so please, wake up and show them that they're here for no reason. That you're okay." I add before I feel someone lift me off the bed and hold me close to them.

"Come on, let's get you something to eat y/n." Derek whispers into my hair as he carries me out of the room and I try to resist but I'm too tired. "It's okay, Callie promised to sit with him while we're gone." He adds as he walks away fron the room and I rest my head on his shoulder as he carries me.

"He can't die Derek, he's all I have left." I whisper into his shoulder and he tightens his hold on me, pressing a kiss to my head as we walk into an on-call room where Meredith is already sat waiting for us.

"You have us y/n, you'll always have us." He says as he sits down and Meredith pulls me into her side while Derek moves to lock the door to give us a little bit more privacy. Feeling her stroke my hair I pull back to smile at Meredith and she gives me a small smile back.

"He's not going to wake up is he?" I ask them even though I already know the answer and they both shake their heads slowly. "Dammit, dammit all to hell and back. Someone's going to have to let the redheaded devil know." I mutter as I run a hand through my hair and check the time. Twenty minutes until I have to take my brother off of life support. Twenty minutes until I lose the last member of my family, my best friend.

"Do we have to?" Derek asks with a grumble and I nod.

"We do, you might not have a great history with her but she was close to Mark. Not just because of what happened but because they relied on each other during difficult times. She needs to know that-" I cut myself off before I start crying again and let Meredith pull me into her side stroking my hair. "She needs to know."

"I'll call Addison for you y/n." She tells me gently as she holds me tight to her. "Derek's right though, you will always have us here." She adds and I smile weakly into her side.

"Thank you Meredith." I say as I sit up again and wipe my eyes. "I'm glad that you and Derek managed to work things out and that both of you got out of the crash okay. I don't know where I would have been this last month without you both."

"I'm just sorry that you're having to lose your brother because we didn't catch the pneumethorax sooner." She whispers with a shaky voice and I know that she's thinking about Lexie as well.

"Don't do that Mer, you weren't to know. Not when the stupid man didn't say anything when he was busy telling the love of his life he loved her. Especially not when you were trying to find Derek to make sure that he was okay." I tell her and she falls into me crying. "Lexie really was the love of his life Mer, I'd never seen him like that with anyone before and atleast they'll be happy now." I say against her hair and she nods against me.

"I really hope so y/n." She says as she sits up and I look over at Derek who's leaning against the door with barely concealed tears of his own.

"We'll get through this Derek, we have to be strong for our supid, stubborn brother." I tell him and he looks at me with wide eyes. "You were always his brother Derek, when you left New York after finding him and Addison in bed together you should have seen him. He was a wreck, not because Addison came after you but because he was scared he had lost his brother then he came out here and left me alone in New York. He came here for you, not Addison, Derek. He came to try and fix things with his brother."

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