Owen Hunt x Reader

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Y/n's POV

Seeing a man in army uniform carry Dr Yang into the hospital with an icicle in her chest I freeze in my tracks because I could have sworn it was my husband but I know that it can't be because he's out of state still. Shaking off the feeling that washes over me and move over to the cubicle just as whoever the hell this man is pulls the icicle out of her chest making me groan while Yang loses consciousness. Rushing over to her side I start cleaning up the wound and thankfully it's not too bad, nothing damaged and only a few stitches which might leave a small scar but nothing major. Looking up at the newcommer with a glare I freeze again when I see that it actually is Owen and have to swallow back my worry and relief as I focus on what's happening.

"Owen?" I ask not quite believing my eyes but he gives me that cheeky grin and I have to grip onto the bed tightly to stop myself from collapsing. Taking a deep breath I walk around the bed and smack him making him pull away from me. "Where the hell have you been? I haven't heard from you or your squad in six months! Six month Owen! I thought that you were dead!" I growl at him as a nurse comes into the cubicle. "Stitch up this wound and page me when she wakes up." I say before storming away with Owen following me.

"I'm sorry, I really am but I'm fine y/n." He says as he takes my hand and I wrench it away from him as I spin around to look at him with a glare.

"No! You don't get to come home after six months of nothing and just tell me your fine! That doesn't take back every thought that went through my head nor does it erase the nights that I spent crying myself to sleep because I didn't know what the hell was going on! You went radio silent and I know that's what I signed up for Owen, of course I do but I was terrified that I was going to come home to find someone on my doorstep with a sad smile and goddamn flag!" I growl at him making people look at us but right now I don't care because I'm pissed at the nerve he has. For six months I have feared every knock at the door and every time my phone rings my heart feels like it's breaking and he just turns up like nothings happened? "I thought I was going to have to explain to a six year old why her daddy wasn't coming home! You don't get to say sorry and tell me that you're fine and think that makes everything better! Because it doesn't!" I snap before storming away from him and I'm eternally grateful when Richard stops him as I slip into an on-call room. Sitting on one of the beds I rest my head in my hands and can't stop the tears that roll down my cheeks.

"I know that saying sorry doesn't take back any of how you felt and I know that telling you that I'm fine doesn't elevate your worry any but there's not much else that I can say to you y/n." Owen says as he sits next to me and I fall into his side with a sob.

"I know that you can't Owen and I know what I signed up for when I married you but this time god I was so scared. Nathan came home and you weren't there Owen, Nat was so excited to see him and I wanted to be as well but seeing him and not you there filled me with so much fear and then there was nothing from you. I sent letters and tried calling but there was nothing and all I could think of was you being hurt or dead." I say quietly as he wraps his arms around me and holds me tight to his side. "I asked Nathan if he knew anything and may have punched him when he said he didn't. Actually there's no may about it, I broke his damn nose when he just shrugged with a half smile. God does that get under my skin when he does that and I was already worried so you can bet I put some weight behind it."

"Oh I would have payed to see that!" He says with a chuckle and I shake my head as I sit up, wiping my eyes in the process. "I really am sorry that I went radio silent on you y/n, a lot happened and there just wasn't time."

"I know and I'm sorry for being so emotional. It's not like I didn't know that it would happen at some point." I say as there's a knock on the door before Meredith pops her head in. "Everything okay Dr Grey?" I ask and she hesitates before coming in and handing me a chart.

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