Meredith Grey x Reader

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A/n: Talk of COVID, panic attacks and light smutiness.

Y/n's POV

Watching Meredith get hooked up to the ventilator I want to scream at her to wake up and get better but know that I can't. Instead I leave the hospital as quickly as I can and lean against the wall as I take deep, calming breaths. How had this happened? We had all been so careful, Meredith more so because of the kids. Oh god the kids, what do we tell them? How do we tell them that their mummy is in a hospital bed fighting for her life again?

"Wow, hey breathe with me. That's it deep steady breaths." I hear someone says as their hand comes to rest on my shoulder, pulling me into their chest and I follow their instructions as I relax against them. "It's going to be okay, she'll come through this like she has everything else. We'll make sure of it."

"The kids, how do we tell those little angels that their mummy's in a hospital bed again?" I ask against the persons chest and they tighten their hold on me.

"Amelia called them when she collapsed and told them what had happened. They're upset but they know that we're going to do everything we can to make sure she pulls through this." The person says as he places a kiss to the top of my head and I finally recognise the voice as my big brother, Owen. "Why don't you go home and get some sleep y/n. You've been here for nearly a week solid, you need to take some time to yourself before you work yourself to death."

"Owen, I-" I start to say as I pull back from him and he smiles at me knowingly. "God, this needs to end soon Owen. I don't know if I can continue to watch the people I care about getting struck down by this stupid disease."

"I know, go home and get some sleep. I'll keep an eye on Meredith and will call you if anything happens." He says and I sigh but nod in agreement.

"Fine but please make sure you call me if anything happens and I'll come straight in." I tell him and he nods with a chuckle before pushing me towards my car. Driving home I tiredly let myself in and climb upstairs to fall into a restless sleep.

Meredith's POV

Looking around the beach front I see Derek standing off to my left and run over to him with a smile as he wraps me in a hug that I had longed to feel since he died. Trying to relax in his arms I can't help but feel like this was wrong, like I should be hugging someone else instead of the man I had fallen in love with so long ago and I knew exactly who it should be, y/n. Pulling away from Derek he offers me an understanding look as he pushes my hair out of her face before taking my hand and pulling me to sit down on the swings that had appeared.

"You should tell her Meredith." He says and I shake my head as I push myself lightly on the swing.

"I can't, I have the kids to think about and she sees me as nothing more than a friend." I tell him and it's his turn to shake his head. "Besides I'm here, how can I tell her if I'm here?"

"She sees you as more than a friend Mer, Owen's just had to calm her down from a panic attack and send her home. Something she hasn't had for years and we both know it, she's worried about you and the kids." He says and I feel my heart clench at that, I never wanted to cause her any sort of pain. "The kids love her as well you know, have done for long enough and I know that you have as well. I just don't inderstand why you've tiptoed around the obvious attraction for so long."

"Because she's not into me Derek! And if she is she's never let on." I tell him seriously and he shakes his head and chuckles. "Okay, she has but I always thought that she was joking Derek. I never let myself hope that she was serious."

"You need to fight this Mer, I know it's not going to be easy but you need to fight this and when you wake up you need to go for it. You deserve to be happy Meredith and from what I've seen she makes you and the kids happy." He says with a smile and I sigh but know that he's right. "Just remember that I'll always love you and that I support you no matter what. I'm also always looking over you and the kids."

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