Preston Burke x Reader

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Watching Preston getting married to Christina Yang I feel my heart breaking as I sit in the back and as he looks at her with so much love in his eyes, a look he had given me once so very long ago now before he chose her. Quietly standing up I  slip out of the hall unnoticed by everyone except from his mum, Jane, who gives me a sad smile as I make my escape. Walking out of the building I don't look back until I feel someone grab my hand, spinning me round to face them and raise my eyebrow when I see Preston standing there.

"What are you doing out here Preston? You should be in there getting married to the woman you love." I scold him and he shakes his head as he pulls me into a hug, resting his chin on the top of my head. Closing my eyes I lean into his embrace before I catch myself and start to pull back from him but he stops me, shaking his head as he tightens his hold on me. "Preston Burke, just what do you think you're doing? Get in there and marry the woman you love."

"Why did you leave?" He asks and I sigh as I pull back from him, looking up at the tall, handsome man in front of me. "You can't tell me to marry Christina while leaving."

"Preston, you know why I had to leave." I tell him and reach up to cup his cheek. "I can't watch you marry her and you know why, you chose her a long time ago Preston. You chose her and we parted ways so please, don't make this any harder. Go be happy Preston, god knows that you deserve it more than anyone else does." I say as I pull away from him and give him a small smile before pulling away from him fully and turning to leave but he spins me back round to him.

"I'm not marrying her y/n, she doesn't want me. She wants the surgeries that I can provide not me." He says as he cups my cheek and I shake my head as I step back away from his touch as Jane comes out to see where her son had disappeared off to.

"Everything okay out here?" She asks gently and I look past the man I had loved for years to his mum who looks at me with such soft eyes.

"Everything's fine Jane, I was just telling Preston to return to his bride." I tell her with a small smile and she shakes her head as she steps closer to us. "I really should be going, I have things to do and I have a few surgeries to do before I take my leave. It was lovely to see you again Jane, be happy Preston." I add and finally he lets me walk away without stopping me or at least he let me walk away before shouting after me.

"I should have listened to you before I hurt you. I should have never let you slip away from me." He calls out and I spin around to him angrily. "I'm sorry."

"You're sorry Preston? You destroyed five years of marriage for an intern! I watched you pull away from because some younger woman batted her eyelashes at you to get surgeries and when I confronted you aboout it you pushed aside my worries like they were nothing! I have loved you for nearly ten years Preston Burke, I have given you everything you asked for in our marriage and you just brushed it off like it was nothing." I tell him angrily and he drops his head in shame while Jane smiles at me. "If you've suddenly realised that you've been used then that's on you Preston, I tried to warn you but you refused to listen to me and now it's too late. Make up your mind about what you want to do but know that it's too late to fix this, us."

"She's right Preston, you made your choice and now you have to live with it." Jane says and Preston flinches at her tone. Stepping closer to him I take his hand in mine with a sigh.

"I love you Preston Burke, I don't think that's ever going to change but you hurt me and broke any trust I once had in you. Nothing is going to change that, which is why I'm leaving. I can't work with someone that I can't trust." I tell him and he looks at me with wide eyes as he tries to pull me closer to him but I shake my head at him. "Goodbye Preston." I say and pull my hand back before leaving completely.

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