Chapter 6:Room for Improvement/Time To Try Again

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(Narrator's POV)

"That was a better movie than I thought." Lars said as he, Sadie, Steven and Connie left the theater after Hugh School Ballad had concluded. And while Steven and Connie both seemed to grow closer, Sadie seemed to be frustrated with Lars.

"Lars, you slept through most of it. How do you know how good it was if you...ugh. Nevermind. (Sighs) Why did I expect anything to change?" Sadie asked as Lars gave her a look.

"What do you mean? Big deal. I fell asleep during a movie. In other news, water is wet." He responded as Sadie was now furious.

"See? That's what I mean! Even being in outer space, being away from me and your parents and literal death didn't change how insensitive you are!!! You're still the same selfish jerk you've always been, just with pink skin!!!! Why did I ever.....Ugh! Forget it!!!" Sadie snapped as she stomped away, leaving Lars confused.

Steven was about to say something, but Connie's hand on his shoulder indicated that this wasn't the place for it.

"I....I don't get it. Even after my time with the Off Colors...have I really not changed? Am I really still the same?" Lars asked himself as he walked off to collect his thoughts.

"I hope he'll be all right. Sadie may say Lars hasn't changed but...." Steven began to say...

"He may have changed in some areas, but there's still a lot of room for improvement. And it's an improvement that he needs to realize for himself. Meaning you can't help him, Steven. I know you and him grew closer but this is a road Lars needs to walk on his own." Connie said as Steven nodded as they both got in Lion and headed back.

Meanwhile back in Little Homeworld, the Gems were trying to think of ideas for Steven's birthday. But as with most instances when it comes to them trying to understand human culture without Steven there to directly explain it to them, they were clueless.

However, that wasn't the only thing on their minds. Pearl was still worried about what Steven was refusing to talk about. She may be a lot of things but stupid isn't one of them. She couldn't confirm her suspicions right off hand, but she just had a strong feeling in her Gem that something happened with Steven and White Diamond.

Garnet was worried as well. But also hurt that Steven, her beloved Cutie Pie, felt like he couldn't talk to her or the others about what was bothering him. It hurt immensely and it was something that she wanted to rectify.

"Yo Garnet and Pearl. You still with us?" Amethyst asked, snapping the two elder Gems back to reality.

"We were just thinking about....(looks at phone) A message from Connie? Let's see here..."Pearl said as she read the message aloud:

"We'll be there in a few minutes. We stopped for something to eat. I talked to Steven and he promised to tell you all what's been bothering him. Please try to avoid arguing because I feel like Steven only agreed to this because I'm the one who made him promise. You're welcome. :)"

"(Smiles) Steven wasn't going to say no to Connie. He's too sweet on her. And she knows how to get to him in ways that we don't." Amethyst said with a chuckle as Lapis and Peridot giggled while Bismuth just looked confused.

"I don't get it. What makes Connie so special to Steven that he wouldn't say no to her?" The builder Gem asked as Garnet chuckled.

"We'll explain that more to you later, Bismuth. Let's get ready to hear Steven out. And let's be civil this time, everyone." The fusion said as everyone nodded just as the portal opened and out came Lion with Steven and Connie.

It was time for the truth to come out.

How will the others react to what Steven tells them? The truth comes out in the next chapter! See ya then!








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