Chapter 4: Friendly Concern/We Forgot

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(Narrator's POV)

Arriving at the movie theater, Steven and Connie got off Lion and headed to the ticket booth where they saw none other than Lars and Sadie. Ever since Lars returned from space, him and Sadie had been dating each other and things seemed to be going well, even if the two of them did tend to have public disagreements at times.

"Hey Lars. Hey Sadie. What movie are you guys here to see?" Connie asked as Sadie smiled.

"Hey Steven and Connie. You two here on a movie date?" She asked as Steven blushed at the question.

"You could say that. It's my birthday today and I can finally see teen movies. So Steven's with me to see this one. I keep hearing it's really romantic." Connie said.

"Happy Birthday, Connie. And yeah, I've heard a lot about it. It's called "High School Ballad" and it's all everyone is talking about. So I dragged Lars along to see it." Sadie said as Lars shook his head.

"All you and me are missing is a pair of leashes, Steven." He said with a chuckle as Steven chuckled as well.

"It's Connie's birthday, so I don't mind doing what she wants. Besides, I need to get my mind off of...other things." The hybrid said, worrying Sadie and Lars. Even though they knew next to nothing about the Gem related chaos Steven regularly goes through, it still didn't stop them from being concerned about him.

"Listen, Steven. I don't know jack about the Gem stuff you go through, even after all the mess you and me went through in space. But you really need to take a break from that stuff before it really messes you up, dude." Lars said.

"True. You're too young to be dealing with so much, Steven." Sadie said as Connie smiled.

"That's why he's here with me to see this movie. Speaking of which, let's get our tickets, Steven." She said as the two of them headed to the booth and got two tickets to "High School Ballad" before heading inside with Lars and Sadie.


"So he hasn't been eating or sleeping? That doesn't sound like Steven at all. You think something else happened to him?" Greg asked as he was talking with Garnet and Pearl about Steven's recent actions since the ordeal on Homeworld.

"If something did happen, he's not telling us. But why? Why won't he tell us? Why does he always say he's fine when WE ask him? Does he not trust us?" Pearl asked as Garnet shook her head, not wanting to consider her friend's assumption a possibility.

"In any case, I hope Steven's in a better mood before next month." Greg said as Pearl looked at him in confusion.

"Next month? What happens next month?" She asked.

"Pearl? Garnet? Don't tell me you guys forgot about Steven's birthday? He turns 15." Greg said as Pearl looked at Garnet before placing a hand on her temple.

"Stars, how could I forget about my baby's birthday? I guess with all that's been going on, it's understandable but still....(sighs) hmm. Maybe it's time for him to know what's inside of there...." The Pale Gem said as she reached into her Gem and pulled out a box.

"What's that, Pearl?" Greg asked as Pearl smiled.

"It's something Rose entrusted me with before she departed. She said to give this to Steven when the time is right. And she and Garnet predicted when that would be: Once he turned 15. So this is the year he finds out...." She began to say until Amethyst ran up to them.

"Dudes! You guys DO know Stee-Man's birthday is coming up, right?!? It's next month and we STILL don't have anything ready and....uh....what's in the box, P?" The Purple Gem asked as Pearl sighed and placed the box back into her Gem.

"Nothing that you need to worry about, Amethyst. But we do need to prepare for Steven's birthday." The Pale Gem said as she, Garnet and Amethyst headed to find Lapis and Peridot to let them and Bismuth know as well.

Hopefully, Steven would be in a better mood by then.

Not bad for my first chapter back writing full stories again, wouldn't you say?

See ya next chapter!






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