So now, here she was, on a bus going towards the friend's house. She didn't know much about the host. All she knew was that she was one of Wonyoung's best friends, her name was Chaewon and that she was currently taking care of her brother's daughter while he was working abroad.

The bus stopped and Yunjin immediately read the street name, when it was the exact same name on the text Wonyoung sent her, she grabbed her belongings and hopped out. Hoping that her broken Japanese was enough to say thanks to the driver.

It was a quiet neighborhood, definitely different from the ones she's used to seeing in Korea. Plus the weather was great and she couldn't help but breathe in the cold air of early spring.

She read the text again and stopped at the small house that had the exact same details in the instructions. Brown roof with a black metal fence surrounding it. It also helped that it had the name 'Kim Residence' plated next to the gate.

"This is definitely the place." Yunjin mumbled to herself. She shoves her hat and phone in the pocket of her hoodie and rings the doorbell by the gate.

It didn't take long to hear steps approaching from inside the house and the front door opened, a woman greets her.

And my god, was she breathtaking.

"Oh! You must be Yunjin." She says with a wide smile. Yunjin felt like she was going to have a massive heart attack with how beautiful this woman's smile was.

"That's me." She managed to say, waving a weak hand at her. She should have taken the time to look more presentable than being visibly compared to a hobo.

The woman walks along the pathway and opens the gate for her. "I'm Chaewon. Wonyoung told me about your situation. I'm really sorry that happened to you."

Yunjin lets out an awkward chuckle and rubs the back of her neck. "Yeah, it's okay." She looks at Chaewon. "I'm sorry for being such a bother. I hope I'm not going to ruin your current living situation."

Chaewon waves her hand. "Don't ever think that way. It's just me and my niece anyway. We have like two extra bedrooms in this house, so you being here is perfect."

She offered to take Yunjin's suitcase but the taller one immediately declined. It was against her principle to let a gorgeous lady like Chaewon handle anything heavy.

They walked inside the house and Yunjin was surprised with how clean this place was. Minji would have loved living here.

"I'll show you to your room?" Chaewon says and she starts heading to the stairs.

Yunjin followed behind her, careful not to drag her suitcase on the steps. Once they reach the room on the left side of the hall, Chaewon opens it for her.

"Wow." Yunjin breathed out. "It's like in the anime I watched."

Chaewon giggles. "Well, most houses here really do look like the ones in anime. But I assume that you're okay with how your room looks?"

Yunjin turns to smile at Chaewon. "Yes, thank you so much." She places her bags down and bows at her. "Thank you for letting me stay here."

"Oh god." Chaewon made her stand up. Her cheeks were flushed. "I bet Wonyoung and Yujin told you to do that."

Her brows knitted. "Well, they told me to show my appreciation when I got here." She wanted to hear Chaewon's laugh again. It was music to her ears.

"What a bunch of dorks."

"Your Korean is really good, by the way." Yunjin couldn't help but say, leaning her body on the doorway.

Chaewon smiled again but avoided Yunjin's gaze. "well im originally from Korea and I used to live and study there, then I was a teacher in one of the Art schools in Incheon. But I needed to come back home to Japan. So that's why I'm here." She lifted a shoulder close to her chin and it made Yunjin's heart skip a beat.

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