Characters and Info

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This story takes part in this current time, where he has no longer his empire and gave it all to Germany AKA Weimar (before the Third Reich started to come in)


-German Empire: The protagonist of this story, an insane and depressed man who wants to unalive himself.

-Y/N: A woman who currently lives a normal life, you can add more to the Y/N if you want.

-Austria-Hungary: The Second Reich's cousin, he's also known as Österreichisch-Ungarische Monarchie and has a calm and positive personality, note him as the helpful friend in the story. (not as Razumihin)

-Prussia: G.E's father, he is insanely strict and wants the absolute best for his child.

-Russian Empire: A confident person who did not survive in the Russian revolution and was killed, now he's just a part of G.E's imagination.

There will be others mentioned in the story, don't worry about it.

For those who don't know what depression, mental exhaustion or schizophrenia is (just in case because these are the main):

-Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest, that can lead to su!cide.

-Mental exhaustion is a feeling of extreme tiredness, characterized by other feelings including apathy, cynicism, and irritability, it's basically depression told in different words.

-schizophrenia is a disorder that causes people to have delusions, hallucinations, unusual physical behavior, and disorganized thinking. (It's unknown if this includes in the story or not)

Any more questions can be asked here.

The chapter 1 is still in progress 💀

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