Interrogating the Ultimate Pianist

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Silver and Kaede had walked into the lounge car, only to see Kat screaming at Shade.

Kat: I know you won't talk, but I know exactly why you've been locking the doors, Shade the Gecko! 

Shade: It's hard to say anything when you're talking over me! I have my reasons for locking the doors! I--

Kat: [Interrupting Shade] No reason is convincing enough! You should be ashamed of what you did!

Silver: Hey! What's going on?

Kat: Hmph! It seems you made it, Silver and Kaede!

Silver: We just came to ask Shade why she keeps locking the doors of the train! 

Shade: Well, it seems that Kat already knows, so ask her!

Kat: Hmph!

Shade: I'm not saying a thing! You guys will have to tell me why! Now if you could leave me be, I have an appointment coming up!

Kaede: An appointment? Who wants to meet up with her?

Silver: Well, Kaede, it seems that Shade won't talk, so let's do some investigating!

Kaede: Alright! Ready to find some answers, Silver?

Silver: Indubitably, my dear Kaede! [They went over to the wardrobe] Kaede, do you think you can open this wardrobe?

Kaede: Sure! Wait! Why do you want me to do it?

Silver: What if something falls out? Or worse... Something leaps out! I just think you should do it!

Kaede: Alright! Watch a pro! [She opened the wardrobe] Ah! [She started coughing] 

Silver: [Coughing] All this dust! You opened the door too fast, Kaede! Dust flew everywhere! [He and Kaede continued coughing. They went over to the robotic arm]

Kaede: There's another robotic arm! Just doing its thing!

Silver: As an employee, do you have any power over these arms? Can you tell it to do something?

Kaede: I'll give it a shot! Hey arm! Can you give me a high five?

Silver: I don't think it's listening to you! But I can give you a high five!

Kaede: Oh! Sweet! [They went over to a band]

Silver: Hey! It's a big band! 

Kaede: Give us a song!

Silver: This is spiritual!

Kaede: I feel reawakened! [They went over to a computer] Rantaro told me about this in my interview! The lounge has a computer with internet for browsing!

Silver: How lovely! Seems convenient!

Kaede: It is! It's a shame to be on the computer and miss this beautiful view, though!

Silver: I feel like if you're using the computer here, you must really need to use it! [They went over to a board] Oh! [He picked up a keyring] A keyring! Is this what Shade was using to lock the doors? 

Kaede: It's interesting that there's only two keys! Wouldn't a locksmith have more than that? Wanna take it?

Silver: Yeah! Let's take it! [They went over to a printer] Seems like the printer is hooked up to the computer!

Kaede: Can we print something? Let's print Pico singing a song!

Silver: This printer looks tricky to use... 

Kaede: Tricky?

Silver: Yeah! The interface isn't very clear, but I won't let it stump me! [They went over to a trash can]

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