Guests and sweets

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Don't worry, I didn't forget this one. I simply have been busy with other projects and well, christmas.

Merry late-christmas, and happy new year to you all!




Lina is sleeping peacefully beside me, snoring and drooling on her pillow. She would probably deny it to her grave if I'd tell her, but I nowadays consider myself as the most patient man in the world. So I am not going to do that.

I am not saying that the three days we've spent here at our villa haven't been nice; no, but it certainly has been interesting. The good news is that all the furniture has now been built and put on their right places. There is no more boxes or screws lying around: thanks to my trip to the recyckling centre. And most importantly, it feels like home now.

Every day we wake up to the smell of fresh coffee and I get to enjoy pancakes staright from the pan; thanks to Lina and her nesting instinct that has kicked in.

There is not much bad news. The main is also linked to Lina's nesting, and it's the fact that she just have to do something, all the time. She is outside planning the garden or waddling at the lake crushing ice. She makes lists of all the baby things we still need for this place. She runs around the forests and the town, looking for something to buy or pick. She can't stand the idea of not doing anything.

It's a bad news because I'm worried. I'm worried that she might hurt herself and the baby in the process. I'm worried how she doesn't understand the importance of resting. I'm worried that she might smash her car when going to the store.

What I haven't decided yet is if Lina's constant babbling is good or bad. It's bad when I'm trying to do something that requires high-level attention (like play COD) or install a mirror. But it's good when we are both stressed or if I need company and time of from everything.

And oh, how I love it when she talks about our bean. The way her eyes lit up when she sees or shows me new pieces of clothing for the little one. It's the way we both want to touch and listen to him all the time.

She (and I) loves to imagine all the moments; from first steps to preschool to him getting his license. It's all, at the same time, years away, but on the other hand it feels like yesterday when we found out about him.

These moments; they always end up with her crying, and me following her to it close behind.

We also love to play the name-our-baby game. We still are without a name, but that's just because we joke too much about it.

We have, though, agreed that each of us gets two vitos. So no Jacob or Edward, that's for sure.




Lando can be really annoying. Does he not understand that you don't wake up the pregnant lady, the pregnant lady wakes you.

"C' mon Lina. I thought you'd be more exited."

About what? I was having a very nice dream about me, driving my new car
I don't actually have my new car yet, but I will. In three months if I order it today.


"I am awake, I swear. But why?"

"Can you open your eyes and ears miss? I've flown hours to get here."

I get the shock of mu life when I see Isa sitting on my bed, watching me with a hint of sarcasm in her eyes. I jump up and close her into a tight hug; it hasn't even been that long, but with Isa I felt a connection similar to my sister. She felt like family.

We don't say anything for a while. It feels nice to just- sit there and let the silence tell how much we missed each other.

"I'm so happy you're here. Welcome."

I pull away from the hug to face Isa, who us now beaming at me.

"The place really does look amazing; Carlos didn't oversell it."

"Do you really think so? You know I value your opinion."

"Of course I do. It feels like home even to me; it definetly looks like you and Lando."

I smirked. As always, Isa was trying to belittle herself.

"Oh please, you chose and ordered most of the stuff. Give yourself some credit."

Isa gave me a shy smile.

"I just wanted you to like it, that's all."

"I know. Now, where is the said man you desingned this house for, too?"

I never imagined I'd miss an eyeroll, but when Isa scoffed and made her signature roll, I realized I had missed her more than I thought.

"Oh, please. When he saw Carlos he threw himself at him. I had two seconds to ask him where you were beforw those two were out of the door."

Isa stood up from the bed and walked out to the balcony. The balcony opened up to the lake; you could see almost the entire thing, trees covered with snow and frost and the ice shining in the sunlight.

"I knew it, they are already down at the lake. Get your ass up and come here!"

I dragged my feet outside, and was met with a cold breeze; it was mostly calming, but the snow under my feet didn't feel nice. I followed Isa's gaze and found the two men.

Lando was pointing at something that was too far for us to see. Then his pointing finger moved to the garden and the forest. His fingers made shapes and his mouth was moving even faster. Carlos was looking like it was the most interesting thing anyone had ever told him.

"They really do look like two dads, talking about their new car or grill."

Isa laughed at the mental imagine I painted for her, but played along.

"I bet they're talking about gas prices or the intrest rates. Carlos is about to tell Lando his new steak recipe."

"Lando is going to show him the right way to install a TV, even though he has never done it himself. And when they come in, Carlos is going to stand before the TV, tap it to make sure it's sturdy and then stare at it again for a while."

Our laugh onlu grew louder. So loud that the two men had noticed us an were now waving at us.




"I have a feeling that they are laughing at us. Don't you think?"

"I just know they are making fun of us. How even dare they?"

It was quiet for a moment; the laughter only thing making a noise.

"So, where is the TV?"

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