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The flight felt like an eternity at this point. 7 hours from Bahrain to Monaco wasn't the longest flight I've been on, but for some reason I was getting impatient. Lando was asleep next to me, and right now I envied his talent to fall asleep anywhere. I, once again, closed my eyes and tried to relax and fall asleep myself. And even though the luxury private jet had the best beds, sleep refused to come.

The weekend was repeating in my head. It really had been one of the best weekends of my life, and I still couldn't believe that I would get to have more of them.

If I had thought that Friday was exciting, I didn't have clue what Saturday would be like. FP3, too, went well for Lando and that gave him good chances in qualifying. And the qualifying, it was nerve-wracking to sit and wait; First Q1, then Q2 and then Lando made it into Q3.

Making it to Q3 was already a really good result, but no one thought that Lando would be fighting P1 with Max Verstappen himself. And when Lando crossed the finish line last, the difference to Max was just two hundredths of a second.

"P2 mate! P2 MATE!"

The whole team had been ecstatic, it was the team's best qualifying result since the race of Monza in 2021.

And when Lando heard his result, he had gone nuts. I loved his happy laugh, and the screams of relief and joy made my day. When he got out of the car and did the interviews and the photos with Max and Charles, he looked like he had grown multiple inches.

And when he got back to the motor home, his eyes searched for me. And when he found me, there was just us. The hug he gave me was the warmest and happiest thing ever. That evening there were nothing but smiles and giggles from everyone.


"Darling, are you awake?"

My reminiscence was rudely interrupted by the cutest sight ever. Lando, with his curly hair on his face, eyes crossed from sleeping and the pillow marks imprinted on his cheeks. I didn't notice I was staring until Lando snapped his fingers.

"Eyes are up here."

He had the look on his face, teasing but at the same time, cocky. I felt the heat rising to my face, but I didn't turn my face away. Instead, I lifted my eyebrows for him and intentionally checked him out, really slowly.

"Yes, I seem to be awake. Was there something you wanted love?"

I made another slow look down at his body, and was met with piercing blue eyes, staring at me hungrily. I leaned forward and started to close the distance between us slowly, a teasing smile on my face. And when I was about to kiss him, I pulled away from him, "accidentally" placing my hands on his thighs.

"You... You are going to be the death of me woman."

He was flustered, panting a little. I smirked as I watched him check the doors, and then pull the curtains around our bed to cover us. Oh boy. 




She was the prettiest sleeper ever. We still had two hours to France, from where we would drive to Monaco, so I was glad she'd get all the sleep she could. I had slept for 4 hours straight, but I wasn't sure if Lina had had any sleep during that time. It didn't matter to me that much, I would be happy to carry her if she'd get too tired.

I was still a little flustered and sweaty when I made my way to the toilet. The mirror showed a red-cheeked, messy haired me. I smiled at the sight; the tired, broken boy I was only a couple months ago was gone, and was replaced by a confident, happy and motivated man.


The Sunday had been, it had been something that had only been a dream until yesterday. The race was eventful, 3 DNF's, and I myself didn't get away from contact either. When Checo punctured my front tire with his car, I was scared that my race would be over. But fortunately, that wasn't the case.


"P2 Lando! P, FUCKING, 2!"

It had taken me a while to answer. First race of the 2022 season and I was second. And only 1,3 seconds behind Max.

"This HAS to be a dream, has to be."

"Lando mate, you can park behind the sign number 2."

At that point I was crying. I hardly managed to thank the team and scream my lungs out as I celebrated 2nd place.

And when I had gotten out of the car... The papaya army screaming and celebrating my podium was unforgettable for sure. In that moment I had felt so much love around me, my fans showing me that they were still there, cheering me on.

I was still wiping away my tears when it was time for the interview, and I still don't believe that I gave any good answers. It was a fog of hugs and cheers and hope, because God I hope I get to have that feeling again and again and again.

When I made my way to the podium and stood proud on my stand, I started to look for her. I knew that Lina was there, and soon I spotted her, on Zac's shoulders. I remember her face, beaming at me, tears in her eyes, screaming my name.


I watch her sleeping again, and I think that the 2nd place was for her. She never doubted me, not for a second. After we had gone back to the hotel, she said something that I will never forget.

"I think; no, I know, that this is just a start. You got something the others don't, and you will achieve your dream, I know you will."

And when I had lifted my trophy up in the air and pointed at her with my other hand, it felt like the world had gone quiet. Her smile grew even bigger, and her little hands formed a heart.

I looked down at her, and as I celebrated in the stands, it felt like she was there with me. 

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