Everything right here

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Breathe. Don't yell, he means well, and you love him. Breathe Lina.

"Lando. I can tie my own shoelaces, thank you very much."

I must've looked annoyed, because Lando got up and took a step back. There was a hint of hurt in his eyes when he took another step back.

"Really, I know you mean well, but being pregnant doesn't mean I'm invalid. I want to do things on my own when I'm still able to."

"I know that; I just feel this need to help and protect you. If anything happens to you..."

His voice faded and he looked in pain. I felt a sting in my heart, he was just trying to care for us. And the thought of losing what we had right now... It terrified me too; every day I was afraid that something would happen.

"I know love. I'm scared too, but we have to try and trust the future. I'm sure that everything will go our way; remember what the doctor said, he or she looked perfect."

"Yeah, I guess. Maybe it will all become easier later when we share the news with everyone else."

We were hosting dinner later today; we told everyone it was just a late celebration of Lando's birthday, but really it was a pregnancy-reveal party. I was now 16 weeks far, and was beginning to show, so it had to happen now if I wanted to keep it private. I didn't want the media to know first. They would know when I wanted them to.

"I can't wait to see everyone's faces. I just know that dad and Carlos will cry."

"I know, he's going to be a grandpa, imagine."

Lando was staring to nowhere, a little smile on his face. It was a common thing now, he always did this when we talked about our baby, how adorable.




It was a full house. Max and Kelly arrived last, a little late as always. It brought me so much joy to see all these people gathered around the big table, talking and laughing. Lina's lasagna was a big hit, all the pans were empty, and Lina was showered with compliments. People were now sipping the last of the wines and eating the biscuits my mom had brought with her.

Lina called my name from the kitchen, and when I entered, I saw why. She had changed her clothes into a tight dress that revealed the little bump she had been hiding for weeks now. She was so beautiful; her hands were supporting the bump, and the cutest little smile was plastered on her face.

"You are breath taking honey. I can't even describe how that little bump makes me feel; you wear it well."

Lina blushed violently, but lifted her nose up and pushed her stomach out even more for me to see. Sassy.

"Of course, I do. But I will suck it in for a while, I can't just reveal it when I get back there, we have a plan."

I smiled and took Lina's hand. I led us both back to the dining room and raised my eyebrows at Lina, asking if she was ready. She answered me with a dazzling smile, and mischief visible in her eyes.

"Now, if I could have your attention for a while? Thank you."

All the speaking faded away and people's focus turned to us. I was happy to see only smiling faces, cheeks red from laughing and from having fun. I cleared my throat and started my speech.

"I'm so grateful for all of you for joining me and Lina tonight. Nothing makes me happier than seeing you have fun and enjoying your time here.

"You all came to celebrate my 23rd birthday today. Ageing isn't always easy, but I for one have always been excited to get older. Life moves forward and you get to experience things you always dreamed of."

"And the past year has taught me a lot. It has been tough, but at the same time a great lesson. And most importantly, it gave me my biggest dream."

I raised my glass to Lina.

"Lina. You swooped your way into my heart before I even noticed. You were there for me when the world was dark, you brought hope and light into my life. You continue to believe in me and encouraging me to do better every day."

"You make everything better and show me every day what it's like to love someone, unconditionally. I can't wait to celebrate all the birthdays together, because you're the one I want to age with."

"So, to Lina, and to all of us!"

Glasses clinking filled the room; I heard Carlos and Max yell a hell yea too.

Lina clapped her hands, lifted her water glass and shouted.

"Yes, to Lando! And for the little one who will be here with us in six months!"



Silence. Everyone was now staring at us, trying to decide if it was a prank or reality. Lina had a smirk on her face when she let her stomach out for everyone to see. It seemed to wake everyone up, and soon everyone was running to us, hugging us and congratulating us.

I was first met my dad, who had tears in his eyes and a dreamy look on his face.

"Am I really going to be a grandpa? Pops and Granny?"

My mom was right behind him; swooping me into a tight hug.

"Little toes and fingers! Adam, we are going to have a little one in the house again. Little hands and toes!"

Seeing my parents so happy with the news brought a wave of relief through me. Honestly, I had been a little scared of how they would react, but now it felt ridiculous to even think that they wouldn't be supportive. They were going to be grandparents, of course they'd be over the moon.




After everyone calmed down a little, we toasted for the little one; me with water of course. The only ones that had known our secret were Isa and Max, and when Carlos found out he looked so offended that it made us all laugh.

"Not funny. It's not right that Isa knew all this time and kept it a secret from me. We live together for God's sake!"

"Carlos, Lina asked me to keep it a secret. Lina kept your proposal plans hidden from me, too."

"But this is completely different! Lando! I told you about the proposal moths before!"

"Mate, really it's not a big deal. But if it makes you feel better, we were going to ask you to be the godfather. But you don't seem excited about this, so..."

Carlos' face lit up the second Lando said the word 'godfather'.

"No, no I was just saying that it was unfair. But forget it, it's all good mate. OF COURSE, I'll be the godfather!"



I was so happy. I leaned my head to Lando's arm and looked around us.

"Our little one is going to be so lucky to have all these people in her life. So much love and laughter, family and friends who will always be there for her. Or him."

Lando nodded and turned to me. He planted a kiss to my forehead and sighed.

"We have nothing to worry about. We have everything we need right here."

The two of us sat there happily together, peacefully-

"HaHaHa! I'm going to be a godfather, not you, Max or Daniel! Suck it!"

Oh Carlos. 

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