a house

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"Lando, there is still some dirt on your helmet. "

I tried to stay positive and calm, I really, really did. But when Lina's hand was roaming above me, trying to clean my helmet, I lost it. Just for a second.

"LINA! You don't have to- STOP!"

Lina instantly backed away a few steps, and when I saw the hurt in her eyes... I regretted it the moment I opened my mouth, and now it grew into a waterfall of regret. It was the first time I yelled at her, and I swore to myself it would be the last time too.

"Sorry, I was just trying to help."

Her voice had a tone, an offended one. I let out a breath and took the few steps I needed to get to her.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to shout. I know you meant well, it just hurts a bit still."

I felt relief washing over me, when Lina's eyes softened, and she took my hand in hers.

"You know it's nothing to be ashamed of, Daniel fell off, too."

That cursed horse... I was given a horse named Dash. At first, I thought he was cool and that he'd be fast, but boy was I wrong. After the first time it was known that Dash was Dash because he had a habit of just storming off to somewhere else. And because of that, I found myself sitting on the ground three times. 

And it seemed that Dash knew what he was doing, because after every fall, he waited for me and showed me his teeth; it seemed that he was laughing at me.

"Yeah, but I'm 80% sure that Daniel did it on purpose. It didn't look real."

"And his butt doesn't even hurt, he is walking around like nothing happened. My butt is destroyed, for God's sake!"

I was just a little offended that Lina had the audacity to laugh, but after a while I couldn't do anything else but laugh with her. It hadn't been the best riding experience, but it had been full of comical and chaotic moments.

Now that I think of it a bit more, it was a good trip. I started to think about Lina in her tight riding pants, jumping up and down when her horse was running. For someone riding behind her, it really made all the falls feel good. And now when the thought was in my head, I had to glance at Lina, who was still wearing those pants, and walking in front of me.



How happy can a man be? Just asking for a friend. Not counting in an aching bum though.

I had Lina in my arms; we were watching the Avengers Endgame together with Charles and Charlotte. Heidi and Daniel were bickering in the kitchen; it was their turn to make dinner. Pierre, Kika, Isa and Carlos were in the middle of an intense game of Uno. And when I turned my head to the right, I saw Geroge and Carmen laughing at TikTok videos that Carmen's niece had sent them. Max and Kelly were sitting in the corner of the room, face timing Penelope who was on a holiday with his dad.

"Lina, look around us. This really is perfect."

Lina looked around the room and smiled at me.

"This is what I always wanted, a friend group that feels like family. Couldn't really ask for anything more when I'm surrounded by my people; you next to me."

I planted a kiss to Lina's lips. And then another. And anoth-

"HEY! The movie isn't over yet. PLEASE pay attention to it!"

Everyone in the room burst into laughter, Lina and me too. I was partly laughing because I didn't want anyone to see my red cheeks or hear my heavy breathing. How embarrassing. 




So far, this holiday has been a dream. So far, we've been to an escape house (and nailed it, thanks to Heidi), climbing park (Daniel was the best out of us all) and yesterday we went to the beach. Lando and Max wanted to show us how one should play beach volleyball, but it ended with both of them in the ground, covered in sand.

Today we had no plans, and it was actually nice to just lay around and do nothing. This morning me and Lando finished the Harry Potter Lego game and started a new one. Charles and Charlotte made a delicious meal; with ribs and wings you can never go wrong.

"We should get going."

What now?

"Sorry, to where we should get going?"

"To our drive, remember? You promised since I got on that horse."

"Oh right. Well, um, shall we just go?"

Lando let out a dramatic sigh.

"That's what I just said love."


It was in no time that we were already driving, to nowhere it seemed. Lando was in a good mood, whistling and singing along with the radio. Every now and then he made a turn, but I thought that he just wanted to drive around and check the areas and the cabins.

That's why I was so surprised when he suddenly stopped the car. I hadn't really paid attention to where he was driving, I had tried to spot birds and animals on our way. But now, in front of us was a gorgeous, big house. It was a wooden cabin with a big porch and huge windows opening to the lake. How much would I love to be the owner of that.

"What is this?"

"When we were driving around with the boys, we came across this, I just thought it was the most beautiful cabin I've ever seen."

Lando was leaning to the steering wheel, eyes fixed to the cabin. I turned my eyes back to it, too, and I could see what Lando saw in it. It was like it was made for us, when I continued to look at it.

"It's stunning. You may have to drive away because I'm getting jealous of whoever owns it. I wish it could be ours to live in, not just to check it out."

I let out a frustrated breath and waited for Lando to drive away. But instead I felt something land on my thigh. Confused I lifted three keys, tied together with a key chain that read 'Cottage'.

"Lina, this is ours. I bought it, for us."

"No, you're kidding."

This has to be just another one of those pranks of his. This house can't be ours.

"Love, I know I kid a lot, but this is not it. I bought it last week; you can go inside."

Tears were coming, I just knew it. And if this turns out to be true, I will cry for days while watching the view from our windows. But if this is a joke, well then, he is dead. 

I played with the keys nervously, gathering the courage to get out of the car.

"Lina, it's really ours. I would never make a joke this serious; this gorgeous house right there is ours to keep"

I got out and walked to the door. It was a beautiful, oak-made door with cute little windows mirroring the last rays of the sun. I turned once again to see Lando behind me grinning at me and nodding to the door.

And when the door really opened, I didn't care about it anymore. As soon as I got the confirmation, i turned around and jumped into Lando's arms.

"Go inside Lina, I know you want to."

"I can't believe you! You- you! You just bought us a house, like a real house. And it's like it was made for us! Now I'm going to cry, it's really ours!"

"I hope you know that I would buy 100 more houses for you, if that makes you happy. I will do everything for you; all you have to do is ask."

I was still processing all this, our house, him, everything. I was crying, it was too good, too perfect.

"And it's in Finland, it's in our place, we have our own place here! We are going to have so much fun here, every holiday we can come here to breathe and relax. And when we have kids, we bring them to here and tell them about this place and how we met" 


Maybe the longest chapter ever, woah!


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