☆Chapter 13: Dollhouse

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Olivia's house is much more spacious than I would have anticipated; a cute bungalow, whose lawn is entirely covered in flowers.

Inside is lavishly furnished; walls painted in tones of white, which brightens the interior to perfection. A flat-screen TV, similar to Reed's, resides on the wall, above the fireplace. Cream colored chairs, furnished with pastel cushions, surround a wooden table, at the center of the room, with a stunning glass vase, filled with lovely orchids. The bright wood that makes up the floor runs throughout the entire house, alongside a set of airy curtains.

There is ample amount of time left before the dance, which Ollie and I use to help with the chores, while my friend's mom whips us something to eat.

She's a beautiful, tall woman, nothing like my stepmother. Jet black hair, flawless skin, an oval face and plumped lips; she's the spitting image of Olivia. Looking at her, you would never have guessed that she's spent most of her days hustling about in a hospital, from twelve in the morning, to twelve in the evening, sometimes longer, depending.

Nevertheless, she still manages to provide Olivia with the right amount of affection, judging by the number of pictures she has of her around the house, the amount of treats she buys her regularly, not to mention, the wall of texts she'd send her, every now and then, to ensure her wellbeing, and I commend her for that.

She must be exhausted, though it never shows. She's always on the go, trying to make light conversations and jokes, whenever she can. She's kind enough to even offer me pastries and gifts to take home.

"Freya, let's head to my room and change" Olivia proposes, after dinner, while moving the plates to the kitchen sink.

"Leave them, I'll wash the dishes, dear. You girls run upstairs and have fun" Ollie's mom tells us, lowering her phone from her ear, amidst a conversation.

"Thanks, mom!" Olivia exclaims, to which ms. Vellen responds with a playful wave of the hand.

"Let's go" my friend then smiles, before leading me to her bedroom, where she previously hauled our stuff.

Upon arriving, I instantly find myself grinning. Everything, from the ceiling to the floor, screams Olivia's name.

An average sized bed, lurks beside a wall, covered in fairy lights, which is draped in a violet comforter. There's a fluffy carpet on the ground, next to her bed, and near her lush computer chair, sits a drawer, where I assume is stored most of her makeup.

Ornamented leaves run across the walls and a light, dimmable chandelier, acts as a centerpiece, matching the tender hue of her carpet. Images of her and a group of people, are strategically placed throughout the area and a long, oval mirror, lays tilted against the wall. Her room is a beautiful take on modern comfort, which I highly appreciate.

"Here" my friend says, handing me the plastic bag, storing my costume, from beneath her bed.

She then retrieves her own and we set them on the mattress, before ripping the dresses out of their packaging.

"Wow...just as pretty as I remembered..." Ollie marvels, after freeing her sparkly gown, which she then presses against her figure, before rising and twirling with it, like a ballerina.

"I hope Reed's eyes stay glued to me the entire night..." she laughs to herself, though, the lighthearted joke only manages to churn my guilt ridden heart.

"Olivia?" I call, eventually ruining her parade.

"Yeah, what's up" she then turns, before sitting on the bed, next to my costume.

I anxiously stare at her for a while, hesitating, before diving into my explanation, head first.

"About Brian..." I sigh and she shushes me, almost immediately.

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