☆Chapter 3: A yearning of the heart

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I never open the letter and I don't intend to, for the meantime at least. It isn't that I'm scared or worried about its contents, but rather, the fear of breaking down and letting myself become vulnerable haunts me, because I need this resolve that I've come to build over the years.

This is what drove me and allowed me to survive until now and to lose that could put not only me but my sister in a compromising spot. I need to be strong, courageous for both me and Ava.

Shopping isn't a hobby of mine, but it's on my to do list every Tuesday after school. Being in charge of the cooking and cleaning can be a real chore at times, especially with all the clothes Nilah wears in a week, but I'm allowed to decide what detergent we use, or what we get to eat, and though minimal, it feels good to have some type of power in the household.

Reaching the aisle detaining all the baked goods, I tiptoed, trying to reach a can of condensed milk at the top of a shelf, but to no avail. I now see the value of why being tall is important, which appears to be something genetics skipped over while I was created. I try again, stretching with all my might, but again, it's futile. With the whole sale thing going on, the store has been remodeled, hence why I'm now standing at the edge of my cart, reaching for this stupid item that used to be easily accessible, once upon a time.

"So, this is what our fearless Freya does after classes; exercise her yoga poses on a shelf at a grocery store."

A pale arm stretches overhead from behind me, easily grabbing the can that I still could not reach, despite the extra inches the cart provided me with and I'm handed what I so desperately wanted to acquire.

I don't need to turn around to know the one who is standing behind me. His voice alone denounces him, but I end up doing so anyway. I don't know how to feel or react to our proximity as his heat radiates into my skin from how close we are. I can sense a pair of blue eyes peering down at me, but feeling my cheeks beginning to flare, I back away, pulling back a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Thank you," I say, clearing my throat, "and for your information, I'm not crazy enough to attempt something that may potentially send me to the E.R. I'm not as flexible as you think I am."

Laughter fills my ears even before I'm able to see Reed's face and I can't help but let out a small chuckle as I place the can inside the cart.

"I could tell, judging by the uniqueness of your pose just now. Anyways, you're planning on baking something sweet tonight?" He suddenly asks, and I'm a little shook that he hadn't left already and is showing signs of interest in my endeavors.

"I was planning to, but I might leave it for tomorrow or something." I say. "You know, with midterms and all approaching, studying has become my number one priority."

"Yeah, of course. I get it." He replies.

There is an awkward silence afterwards that installs itself and I rattle my brain, trying to come up with a topic that could keep the conversation flowing. But then again, I could just end things here and move along towards the cash, pay for my items and leave.

That's the problem with socially awkward people like me; talking is another chore in itself with dire consequences, positive or negative, that can affect our reputation.

"Why are you here buying candy while practice is still ongoing?" I ask, pointing at the bags of goodies in his hands suddenly.

"Oh, these?" he chuckles, "We're on break and I lost a bet. I had to buy these in exchange" he raises the stock of candies.

"I see..." I say, averting from his charming gaze, while adjusting my sleeve over my wrist.

Another moment of silence, and I can't help but stare at the laces of my snickers out of nervousness. As my fingers curl in on themselves, causing my nails to dig into the flesh of my skin, I feel the tip of soft fingers press against my cheek, and my eyes widen as I feel myself heating up again.

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