Seeing Cacturne defeated, Blendy sent out her Wingull. "Wingull, use Ice Beam!"

But Minun was quick. "Dodge and use Thunderbolt!"

Minun evaded the Ice Beam and retaliated with a powerful Thunderbolt, taking Wingull out in one hit.

Now it was Blendy's turn to send out her final Pokémon: Sableye, a Dark/Ghost-type known for its resilience.

"Sableye, use Shadow Sneak!" Blendy ordered.

Sableye disappeared and reappeared behind Minun, dealing a critical blow. Minun was unable to battle.

With the battle on the line, Ren sent out her ace, Salamence. "Salamence, use Dragon Claw!"

The Dragon-type move struck Sableye with immense force. But Sableye held on, retaliating with a powerful Shadow Ball.

"Counter with Flamethrower!" Ren shouted.

Salamence unleashed a torrent of flames, overpowering Sableye's Shadow Ball and knocking it out.

The crowd erupted into cheers as Ren's Salamence roared triumphantly, declaring her the victor of the intense battle.

Wallace approached the battlefield, a look of admiration on his face. "Both of you fought valiantly," he said, extending his hand to Ren. "But today, victory belongs to you."

Ren smiled, shaking Wallace's hand firmly. "Thank you," she said, her voice filled with gratitude. "It was an honor to battle Blendy."

Blendy's eyes, once filled with camaraderie, now bore a cold intensity as she approached Ren, her posture rigid and confrontational. The tension in the air was palpable, the onlookers sensing the imminent clash of wills.

"Ren," Blendy began, her voice dripping with disdain, "You may have won the battle, but that doesn't change the fact that you abandoned Team Eon and Hoenn."

Ren stood her ground, meeting Blendy's piercing gaze with a calm resolve. "Blendy," she responded evenly, "I made choices based on what I believed was right. I won't apologize for that."

Blendy scoffed, her eyes narrowing. "You think you're better than us? That you can just walk away?"

Wallace stepped forward, placing himself between the two women, his voice firm. "Enough, Blendy. This isn't the time or place."

Blendy's glare shifted to Wallace, her anger unabated. "She betrayed us, Wallace. And now you're defending her?"

Wallace's expression remained unwavering. "I'm not defending her actions, Blendy. But there's a time and a place for everything. This isn't it."

Riyu, Mayu, and Raiden exchanged surprised glances, sensing the escalating tension. Ren took a deep breath, trying to maintain her composure. "Blendy," she began, her voice steady, "I understand your anger. But fighting amongst ourselves won't solve anything."

Blendy's eyes flickered with uncertainty, the anger giving way to a hint of doubt. Ren took a step forward, extending a hand in a gesture of peace.

The tension slowly began to dissipate, the weight of the moment hanging heavily in the air. The journey ahead was uncertain, but for now, a fragile peace had been restored.

In the quiet solitude of the mansion's expansive hallways, with only the dim light from the chandeliers casting long shadows, Blendy's piercing gaze fixed on Wallace. Her voice, usually confident and unwavering, held a hint of vulnerability. "Wallace," she began, "why does Steven harbor such mistrust towards Ren? It's almost as if he sees her as a perpetual threat."

Wallace sighed deeply, his eyes reflecting a deep sorrow. He motioned for Blendy to follow him to a secluded corner, away from prying eyes and ears. They paused by a large window overlooking the moonlit gardens below, the beauty of the scene contrasting sharply with the heaviness of the conversation.

"You see, Blendy," Wallace began, his voice barely above a whisper, "the roots of Steven's mistrust run deep, far deeper than most would ever understand."

Blendy waited patiently, sensing the gravity of the tale that was about to unfold.

"When Steven and I were just seven years old," Wallace continued, his voice trembling slightly, "we witnessed a tragedy that no child should ever have to experience. We saw his mother... die."

A shiver ran down Blendy's spine, the weight of Wallace's words settling heavily upon her.

"It was a serene evening," Wallace recounted, his eyes distant as if lost in the haunting memories of the past. "Steven's mother had taken us to Meteor Falls. She was a renowned researcher, passionate about the mysteries of the world. That day, she had made a groundbreaking discovery, something that could change our understanding of the universe."

He paused, taking a moment to gather his thoughts. "But as we were leaving the caves, something went horribly wrong. There was an unexpected collapse, a cascade of rocks and debris. Despite her best efforts to shield us, Steven's mother was fatally injured."

"From that day on," Wallace whispered, his voice choked with emotion, "Steven changed. The light in his eyes dimmed, replaced by a darkness, a deep-seated mistrust towards the world. He became obsessed with protecting others, afraid of experiencing such loss again."

He took a shaky breath, wiping away a tear that had escaped. "The trust issues, Blendy, they existed even before Ren was born. It's not about her, not really. It's about Steven's fear, his inability to let go of the past."

Wallace, his gaze once again fixed on the moonlit gardens below. "It's a pain that never truly fades," he whispered. "But perhaps, with time, we can help Steven heal, help him understand that not everyone will betray him."

Blendy listened intently, absorbing every word Wallace uttered. The weight of the revelation about Steven's past, combined with the solemn dedication between the two childhood friends, made her realize the depth of their bond and the foundation upon which Team Eon was built.

Wallace took a deep breath, the moonlight highlighting the resolve in his eyes. "After that tragic incident, Steven and I made a pact. We vowed to each other that we would always be there, no matter the cost. The birth of Team Eon wasn't just a response to the dangers of the world; it was a symbol of our commitment to that promise."

He paused, reflecting on the journey they had undertaken since then. "Our goal was simple yet profound: to protect each other and ensure that no one else would have to suffer the way Steven did. We trained tirelessly, honing our skills, gathering allies, and expanding our reach."

Blendy nodded, admiration evident in her eyes. "It's commendable, Wallace. To turn such a tragedy into a force for good, to channel your pain into a mission to protect others."

Wallace smiled sadly, "It hasn't been easy. We've faced countless challenges, encountered betrayal and heartache. But through it all, our bond, our commitment to our vow, has never wavered."

Blendy took a moment to process everything, the pieces of the puzzle finally coming together. "And Ren?" she asked softly, "Where does she fit into all of this?"

Wallace's expression grew solemn. "Ren is special, Blendy. She has faced her own share of challenges, battled her own demons. But deep down, she shares our desire to protect and preserve. Steven's mistrust towards her, it's not about who she is but rather the shadow of the past that looms over him."

He continued, "I believe that Ren has the potential to bridge the gap, to help Steven confront his fears and finally find peace. But it will require understanding, patience, and a willingness to confront the ghosts of our past."

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