"Just fucking go." He snarled, annoyingly due to their insistence as he marched over her. So, they walked away without asking more.

Draco walked slowly to Josephine - her hair messily tied by a clip, but the frontal strands stroked her cheeks. He got so close that he could see that the original blank space of the paper was replaced by the drawing of the Lavender in front of the wall where she was seating. Next to her there was a big colored pencils case.

"No paintbrush today." He noticed as he reached out to touch with the tips of his fingers the pencils, perfectely located according to their color.

"Surprised?" Josephine asked coldly as she put the purple pencil she was using down, before taking the lilac one.

"I don't care, actually, just noticed." He answered.

"As you want." She scoffed, returning to her drawing. Draco took a moment to peered at it. It wasn't completed yet and, judging by the thin tip of the pencil, she would go on for much time.

"Merlin, where do you find the desire?" He sighed boringly as his finger pointed to her notebook.

"I don't find it, I only have it. It's called passion, I don't think you know what it means." She taunted.

Draco huffed a chuckle out, "You think you're better than I am, Blake?" His hands slided into the pockets.

Josephine's eyes slowly lifted up and looked at him coldly, "I know I am." She stated confidently.

"How dare you, you mud-" He blocked as soon as he realized that he was about to do it again.

"Mud what...?" She encouraged him to go ahead, her provoking vocals and her brows raised. Draco stood quite, feeling up against the wall.

Glad that he didn't go further, Josephine decided to take a step forward, since he did it first, "If you don't call me like that again, I'll let you sit." She nodded towards the empty space on the wall, before returning to draw.

"I'm fine, I've been seating for hours."

She didn't answer, only a nod fell from her head as Draco peered at her drawing, "Let me see it." He muttered, his demanding tone.



"Why should I do it?" She asked, curiously.

"I'm trying to have a conversation, Blake, don't be rude." He said peacefully, tilting his head.

Josephine hesitated in order to process what she just heard and slowly placed her gaze upon him, who was taking a seat in front of her. She rolled her eyes and handed her notebook for him to take it.

Draco took it with his hands, before looking at the drawing and then at the real Lavender in front of him. He thought there was no difference between one another as he admired the choice of colors and the pencil lines' precision.

"Did you make a baseline or...?" He questioned as he analysed carefully.

"No, this is my first attempt."

"Your first attempt? What about rubber?" Malfoy raised his eyebrows bewilderingly as he noticed the missing of rubber's traces.

Josephine shrugged, "I don't think I need it." She stated calmly, "Can you give it back to me? I need to finish, Pansy's waiting for me." He handed her notebook, "So, what do you want, Malfoy?" Her fingers around a dark blue pencil.

"Do I have to want something? Especially from you?" He looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"You tell me." She muttered slowly, curiously.

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