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"Good morning, love." Josephine's sleepy voice stroked Theodore's ears, tenderly as he watched her walking towards him. He felt her arms wrapping his shoulders from behind.

"Morning, gorgeous." Theodore muttered, softly squeezing her arms. 

"How are you today?" She asked as she slipped on the bench next to him in the Great Hall.

"Fine, and you?" He gently smiled, before resuming eating his scrambled eggs in his plate.

"The same..." She answered as her hand reached for a curstad-filled crissant.

"Lucky you, sis." Blaise yawned as his nails scratched his forehead.

"Long night, Blaise?" Suddenly Pansy appeared and took a seat next to him.

"Do you know what it means to sleep with someone who was attacked by a bird with hooves?"

"Surprisely, no." Josephine shook slowly her head as she frowned.

"I'll tell you what it means, that you can't sleep due to Mr I'll-make-him-pay complaints...he had been repeating only that for about five hours." His temper started to totter as he slammed his cutlery on the table.

"Blaise, you see you so nervous. Drink some tea, you'll feel better." Josephine's hands pushed her cup of pomegranate tea, invinting him to have some of her hot drink.

"Hit his head, it's better." Theodore suggested.

"Yes, please...today I feel so bad." Blaise rubbed his hands on his face to stay up.

After a while, Draco approached their table and threw himself next to Blaise, "Something wrong, Zabini?" He asked as he noticed his bad conditions.

Blaise slowly turned his head to face him with his hooked eyes, deadly mantle on his face, "Will you attend class?"

"I will."

"Great, I'll go to sleep." He suddenly slammed his palms on the wood and pushed to stand up and walk away, "Tell professors I'm sick."

"Draco, I can take your books, if you like." Pansy slided closer to the blonde and placed her elbows on the table, in order to let her chin rest on her palm as she looked at him.

As soon as Josephine heard her words, her gaze darted on her and she cleared her throat to catch Pansy's attention. She turned, "Don't overdo it." Josephine whispered so low so that only Pansy could listen.

"What's our first lesson?" Theodore recalled Draco's attention.

"Potion with Snape. I'll go and take a seat." Josephine answered before him and stood up, giving a kiss on her best friend's cheek. Then, she left the room.

"Is it me or everyone is a bit nervous?" Pansy said, and Theodore shrugged.

Josephine led to Potion class and slipped in the last desks at the back of the room - her bag was thrown on the empty chair to her left, for Theodore to sit there. The last desk had always been her favorite, so that she could draw and no professor could see it.

The room slowly started to get crowded of students, the last who entered were Theodore, Pansy and Draco. When Josephine saw the first two taking a seat at the front - she called the boy, "Teddy, won't you sit here with me?" She patted the desk she reserved for him.

"Sorry, Jo, but Pansy needs my help and asked me to sit next to her." He gave her an apologetic smile as he took a seat.

"What about me?" Draco raised his voice, impatient, "Zabini is absent and you are with Parkinson. Crabbe and Goyle are a couple, and me?" He threw his arms in air, putting up his usual melodramatic theatre.

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